Put clones directly into soil w/o hormone when do i stop humidity?

i topped 3 plants about 4 days ago and I just did the 45 degree cut underwater and planted the cuttings into a cup with soil and covered it with saran wrap and have been spraying it multiple times a day and 2 of the 3 are fine... when can i put them into direct sunlight and out of the humidity dome? when i push on the stem it seems kinda solid like it may have roots...

the lfan leaves are laying on the soil but are healthy and the new growth is nice and perky and just sitting there...

please help asap - i dont want to keep them in the humidity for longer than needed


Active Member
just be careful with putting clones into direct sunlight to early as to much light will kill it just make sure theres plenty of roots first this 1st week thats all your really worried about


Well-Known Member
If they stand upright on their own without a dome then they no longer need it.


I'm not sure If I've just been having great luck, but all the clones I've been growing have grow surprisingly well. I've either put them In PH water (5.8-6.5) or soil with just a little 23w CFL (to start). Like stated above, direct sunlight is pretty strong and might be overwhelming for a little clone.
I'm a VERY big noob, but I hoped I helped in some way.
ahhh interesting replies:

a) they stood on their own from the moment they were put into soil (even though the leaves lay flat on the soil the stem is upright)
b) I knocked one over today and I discovered it has no roots at all - put it back together and we will see if they live

bottom line is that even though they look strong , they have no roots :(


Active Member
rooting takes place in 8-14 days with hormone. with out it, im guessing it will take longer than 8-14.