Purple Stocks


Well-Known Member
So, after looking more then one of my plants has lines of purple in them and smell dank already with no buds ;) (It was only one but now i found 4) I have 11 plants, 1 that got nute burn and is recovering, all bagseed, random grow

SO sorry my question. I hear purple stocks are a sign of good genetics ? which I thought was interesting (because there bagseed)

Just curious. Take a look through my album, i also have a journal. Im tellin ya for my first grow everything is so damn good I feel lucky, even better my 400w hps arrives friday and I just got my Fox Farm Nutes. Im a happy camper right now!


Stems turning purple ?

this could be caused from your Tempature's

either its getting to cold at night or to hot in the day.

( their could be other problems that resemble purpleness, but this is the only one ive seen so far )


Well-Known Member
LoL nevermind. Its not because of temps. Its not "turning" its what they are. Its just a good sign of Genetics i found out.


Well-Known Member
Well. Thanks for those who left feedback. I hear good + bad about purple. So i guess I will find out. ;) I dont over water my plants, they get 150ML right now every 2 days, so i count that one out :) Hopefully no1 else wants to ruin my day ;P BUT NO1 CAN BECAUSE MY 400w HPS arrives tomorrow. SHIT IN THOSE CORNFLAKES. :) heheh


Well-Known Member
it's only bad if the purple is caused by stress. otherwise purple,pink,red are purfectly natural for our herb