Purple Stems??? HELP

A friend of mine ran into a problem and stems are turning purple. And deformation of the middle leaf and some what droopy..Not a purple strain and the temps have not dropped less then 72.They are in 2nd week of veg. They have been feed distilled water and SuperThrive. Soil mixture is FFOF and Light Warrior. 50/50 mix.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance

Pics on page 2


Well-Known Member
Drooping leaves and stems that are purple are two different things. The purple color is fairly normal. Drooping leaves can be from over watering, under watering, light or heat stress, the list goes on.


Well-Known Member
has he checked ph of soil? plus he might want to consider they dont need the superthrive just yet if the soil has nutes in it?

not too sure myself, but just a thought...

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
First of all, if they are in their second week of veg they really should have only been fed with superthrive once so far, if any at all. That's a very potent compound. It's also not a macro feeding solution. If you were to feed anything to your plants right now, it should be a basic NPK formula at 1/4 the recommended strength, as well as some Cal-Mag supplements to solve your purple stem issue (most likely a magnesium deficiency)

Sounds like you have good soil, and just know that soil can feed that plant for up to a month without needing any feeds (in most cases)

Aim to keep your temps @ 75 if you can. If they are small enough to fit a humidity dome over, you can use that til they outgrow it. Small space heaters work great and are cheap

If you want more advice, posting some pictures will def help more experienced growers evaluate what you're asking about. Hope this helps!



Active Member
Purple stems are pretty normal. Sounds like the droopy leaves maybe over watering. The plants in my sig grow started with purple stems. And are now 3 full weeks old and looks good. So basically don't worry about that. But watch for over watering. Wait a little longer before u water and see what happens.
Temps get up to 81 degrees during the day. They are under CFL's. Maybe over watering. What is the water ratio to container?
Thanks everyone for the great info and input.

Thanks Mazar i Shariff for the great info. And definitely look into that. I guess someone has been getting SuperThrive happy lol.

I will get some pics and post tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
superthrive is something plants make internally, not nutes. so adding superthrive throughout all stages is okay. there's really no need to use it more than once a week. purple stems could actually be a P def. baby plants need a good amount of P, but the fact that it's in ff and at the 2nd week is kinda weird. but to be fair, even if it were P def. it's not a big deal. droopy leaves are bad though, i'm sure if you got pics up it would be easy to discern


Active Member
Your plant has a phosphorus deficiency. This is the symptom of P deficient plants. You have not been using any fertilizer and the plant needs to be fed. Superthrive is not a plant food, it is vitamin B1. You need to fertilize with a complete, balanced fertilizer including micro-nutrients and your problems will go away.
Got some pictures last night.

This is the Hawaiian Strain

This is one is just starting to purple very odd.

Deformed Leaf from the Hawaiian

Also turned purple

Leaf from the LSD
Not really deformed. Top leafs are curling up (just started) and look at the bottom discolored leaf

New grow changing colors on this one

Sorry for the crappy pics. All I had on me when I was there. Any info will be greatly appreciated


Active Member
The leaves look like nute burn.. but they are on top of the plant which is odd and you said no nutes... ssoooooo.. Are your lights burning them? My plants have alot of circulation so i can put my light very close.. anyway ive noticed that the leave arent as perky as they used to be when the light was further away..Kinda of like they dont need to reach for light anymore.. Maybe thats the problem..Idk.. Just trying to throw some suggestions out. and get you a bump.


Active Member
phosphorous deficiency during flowering.

View attachment 1132079
phosphorous deficiency during vegging.

purple stems are also a symptom of phosphorous deficiency. also check your PH as an imbalance in PH can cause nute lockout which would mask the underlying problem.
I think at first it was watered with low PH water but then they were flushed with distilled at 7. and have been water at 6.8 and 6.9. Thanks everyone for the info. They were started on Big Bloom hopefully that will help.