Purple stems end week 3 flower


Hoping I can find some anzwers here .I keep the temps in my room around 72-74 day time and 62-64 night time.. last night temps dropped a bit more than usual .i was looking at 57 when I checked as soon as lights came on.

Anyone know why the stems would turn purple at the end of week 3 during flower? I'm think maybe just the cold but want to be sure. The closest to the air vent in the tent are the darkest.

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I had a mite infestation but introduced last bugs to the garden. Didn't think that would have ant affect .

If anyone has any ideas let me know. It's my first grow. Thanks alot!!


Well-Known Member
Its probably just the temps.

It could be genetic.

Did you notice it in veg at all sometimes calnag fixes this in veg, but its not reccomended in flower.

Are you noticing any other stress symptoms in your grow?

Alsi could you take better pictures under normal light. Maybe shut off the blurple. Find a flourescent in a lamp for pics


I did notice it in veg a good bit. But no other signs of stress really ( outside of the small mite infestation ) .seems to be in control now. .. I will be able to get better pics shortly. Is 57 too low for night time temps?


Well-Known Member
I did notice it in veg a good bit. But no other signs of stress really ( outside of the small mite infestation ) .seems to be in control now. .. I will be able to get better pics shortly. Is 57 too low for night time temps?
Many people run it lower but still the farther out of range you go, your taking more of a chance of something going wrong. .

Alot of people like to dabble on the edge of whats safe

Mr Blamo

Well-Known Member
Could be a few factors...
Incorrect pH – The pH being too high or too low at the roots is the most common reason to see purple or red stems! (or any deficiency)
Magnesium deficiency can cause purple stems. A good cannabis-friendly nutrient system has a significant amount of magnesium, but if you're using very soft water, or RO water, you may need to add a Cal-Mag to your nutrient regimen.
Temperature – heat or especially cold can trigger red stems in some places
Humidity – very high or low humidity can stress plants (especially young seedlings)
Other types of stress such as light burn, transplant shock, or overwatering can trigger red stems


Well-Known Member
Could be a few factors...
Incorrect pH – The pH being too high or too low at the roots is the most common reason to see purple or red stems! (or any deficiency)
Magnesium deficiency can cause purple stems. A good cannabis-friendly nutrient system has a significant amount of magnesium, but if you're using very soft water, or RO water, you may need to add a Cal-Mag to your nutrient regimen.
Temperature – heat or especially cold can trigger red stems in some places
Humidity – very high or low humidity can stress plants (especially young seedlings)
Other types of stress such as light burn, transplant shock, or overwatering can trigger red stems