Purple Lemonade Auto Trichome/Readiness Check


Well-Known Member
Purple Lemonade Auto germinated May 7th. Where do you all think I am at here?

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Well-Known Member
Oh and PS, I am REALLY colorblind; I kind of rely on the kindness of strangers when it comes to this stuff heh.


Well-Known Member
Your tricomes are mostly clear some getting foggy. You want them all to be foggy and about half of them to turn amber 2ish more weeks. You got a lot of stiff straigh white hairs still want them all to turn color and start to curl into the bud.
Auto are rarly as fast as advertised, your at day 76 from germ so probably 60-65 from sprout. Autos are commonly advertised as 70-85 days from spout but realy it takes 90-115
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Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. I was thinking 1 to 2 more weeks. I'm in no big rush. This one has been a fun grow so far.