Purple Hayes : at 47 days


Active Member
Right on man. Well right now I have to say the results are inconclusive. I had 2 PH plants... One was flushed with standard room temp/cool water, and the other I tried that "cold flush".

The plant that got the cold treatment ended up looking quite a bit more green than the other, hah. So.. inconclusive after that brief experiment..

In order to serve the theory some justice, I should get a bunch of purp beans and try a much more controlled experiment with some real results.

Green or purple, the smoke was gradeA from both..... super sweet taste in the ole' vape!
Ah inconclusive, I was hoping for the best of hues to blow out. Its okay we have all the time in the world, keep on doing things right like you are..

BTW you get to my last thread... im having difficulties.. =/