Pure molasses dose?


Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine bought some molasses from the grocery store...he was wanting to know ratio of water to molasses. I use GH floralicious and it is 1-2 tsp per gallon. Id image it would be much less considering this is pure and GH probably waters this stuff down.


New Member
did he buy unsulfered he needs that kind i do 1 tablespoon but a few days ago i did 2 dont know yet if i like 2


Undercover Mod
I do a tablespoon per liter every other watering for the entire grow. It really stimulates the microbiology and breaks down the nutrients into usable forms for the plant.


New Member
i didnt like 2 tb per gallon i dont really know why but it just seemed like my plants were trying to tell me something afterwards
im going to not do it again i dont think
i did get a lot of new bud growth after but i dont think it was related


Well-Known Member
I appreciate all the answers...Looks like 1 tbsp per gallon will do the trick....possibly a half tbsp early flower? I will make sure he has the unsulfured stuff.


New Member
sounds good
when u mix it warm up a cup of water then add mollases so it will mix good then add rest of gallon since it is so thick and if u r using epson salt add to warm water to so it will dissolve then use when cool


Active Member
Not mollasses but another positive additive I use as a precautionary (especially me being a MG user) is an occasional teaspoon of epson salt for a balance, also calcium to balance Ph


Well-Known Member
molasses is really gentle, its hard to overdue it. I have never measured a dose and it works great for me! just eye out about a tblspn or 2 and your good to go!