Psychological problems


Well-Known Member
This happened to me,and its still happening...
I was young and foolish when started weed,2 years ago,i never stopped.and weed was driving me,it was nice.sometimes i was driving the trip,but not so much.and a few months ago i realised what was happening to me, and started changing things,now im ok,but lets say 2 weeks ago or less i was arguing with myself pretty too not getting stressed about this thing too much,but i had a problem really.was anyone else in this?and sometimes its like you cannot live without weed.very very bad.i had manic laughters,and the feeling that i am alive only when i speak... :S thanks to the power of mind and councesness im ok now.but weed made me super open minded now,sometimes maybe too much lol

Straight up G

New Member
This happened to me,and its still happening...
I was young and foolish when started weed,2 years ago,i never stopped.and weed was driving me,it was nice.sometimes i was driving the trip,but not so much.and a few months ago i realised what was happening to me, and started changing things,now im ok,but lets say 2 weeks ago or less i was arguing with myself pretty too not getting stressed about this thing too much,but i had a problem really.was anyone else in this?and sometimes its like you cannot live without weed.very very bad.i had manic laughters,and the feeling that i am alive only when i speak... :S thanks to the power of mind and councesness im ok now.but weed made me super open minded now,sometimes maybe too much lol
Yea, my latest symptom is I am very jumpy have been for about 6 months, I cannot focus on two things at the same time, paranoia and anxiety come in bouts, don't be too scared I am still percieved as normal to the outside world but I'm only 23.