

Active Member
I already know shrooms are the shit, but what other psychedelics will bring me to a place I've never been before?
The real question behind this is which is the best psychedelic?:peace:

mach 5

Shrooms are fun for sure but have a couple dates with lucy and you'll be in love. Past there there is a mess of research chemicals each one will take you to a new and wonderful place.


Well-Known Member
LSD, shrooms, other psychedelics work pretty similarly in the human body. They all screw around with the same receptors but in different ways. They're also similar enough that your body can build up a tolerance to these drugs when you're only using one of them (i.e. shroom tolerance might carry over to LSD).

I'd say if you want a more intense trip than shrooms do LSD. I personally like shrooms more since they're natural, and if you know who made them you know they're safe to eat.

LSD scares me since its a chemical made with lab quality drugs (not FDA approved human quality drugs) and who knows what kind of reaction they used, how they did it, what chemicals they used, ect...


Well-Known Member
DMT sounds fun but i have no way of geting aholed of it

That, sir, is a lie.... it just takes a little bit of work, but everything to produce your own high grade stuff from a simple bark extraction is available, legaly.

Lol I know a crystal planet inhabited by giant crystal faceted ameboids of great beauty... bet you've never been here... the natives are friendly, if aloof.

nn DMT is the final destination all psycedelics takes you to, if you are very lucky and brave. On other drugs you may think you are GOING to die, on DMT, if often seems more likely that you ALLREADY died, as what you are experiencing is so far out as not to be possible in the living world.

Like someone who just had his first experience once told me afterwards; " I couldn't believe all of this could be happeing in the same room as where life continued normally for the rest of you." Asif his experience was so profound and concrete he would have expected us to be able to see it.


I'd love to extract some: problem is, I dont know how. I assume it's a very difficult process?:leaf:
its not VERY difficult, but it is intimidating for alot of people, (myself included)...

That, sir, is a lie.... it just takes a little bit of work, but everything to produce your own high grade stuff from a simple bark extraction is available, legaly.

Lol I know a crystal planet inhabited by giant crystal faceted ameboids of great beauty... bet you've never been here... the natives are friendly, if aloof.

you should do a good "how to" thread with pictures for us ;) ... i'll see about sticky-ing it for you


Well-Known Member
Yeah I gues I should but I'm a little stuck in between extractions at the moment, hardly have kitchen space left, wife starting to moan allready - which takes alot....
But, if you follow the text instructions I give in the Lighter smokeable form of DMT thread (which is such a misnomer), you will see, like many other forum members, how easy it is and just how much safer you feel knowing you made it yourself. In all honesty if my first experience would have been from a dealer, I'd have thought he was poisoning me to rob me or some shit. At high doses its mercifully quick to knock out your resistance, but at low doses, it realy packs a wallop like I'd imagine a near instant acting poison would.


Active Member
OK well u got me interested in dmt does any one know any good sites that explane the extraction process
can some one also just give me some more info on dmt i know its what makes us dream but how do you use it, how long does it last, how much does it cost to make it, how long does it take to make, what is the easyist method of extraction


Well-Known Member
well rollitup's hallucigenic section also has a few teks and descussions on the topic.


Well-Known Member
Buttons are always lovely, i like doing acid and e at the same time, wonderful experience. I have wanted too get some mescaline for the longest time but have had no luck.