Psilocybe Cubensis Equadorian


Well-Known Member
yeah thats what i meant.

i would like to try this someday. how many shrooms do you think you will get?


Well-Known Member
There are some states that dont allow spores at all but most allow them for microscopy and have told the government to fuck themselves over it.


Well-Known Member
do you really think ill get ounces from seven jars? whats the average for 1 jar? or even one mushroom dry?


Well-Known Member
yeah from what this website 6 jars is up to 6 ounces so i think you will have a good chance with 7 jars for 6oz.

do you water them


Well-Known Member
i read a jar puts out 2-8 mushrooms per flush, no way even wet a jar could put out an ounce.


Well-Known Member
New progress! the innoculation points are starting to form together, and eat into the cake, as you can see by these pics.



Well-Known Member
2-8 is a pretty lowball statement or an average. You can get TONS if you are ph'd correctly.


Well-Known Member
ph? whats the ph for filtered mineral water? would the organic rice flower or sterile virmiculite change the ph? cause otherwise it should be close to 6/. so does anyone know what an average dry mushroom weighs?


Well-Known Member
A dry mushroom can weigh less tha .1 gram, or they can be massive. A mushroom growing guru I know showed me pictures of a mushroom about the size of his forearm. He said it weighed 21 grams dry and sold that single mushroom for $150.


Well-Known Member
Nice going with the mycellium, I tried once but got left with squat, none of my 15 jars grew. Where did you order your spores from may I ask?


Well-Known Member
i don't remember where i ordered them. sorry, I read that the bigger the mushroom the less potent it is, so i plan on picking them reletively small, before the veil breaks, at like 2-3 inches, just average sized ya know? i don't understand why it's so hard to judge what an average spore cake will put out in an average flush.