Pruning whilst in flower


Hi all yet again, i have been reading about getting the best out of my grow, and i seem to have really bushy plants, i did super crop them and top them and now have 4 main colas on the plants, which are looking great, but i do however have lots of little buds with small stems at the bottom and today i cut them of with sterilizsed sissors, but i am afraid they may go hermie as to what i have read, i know naff all about growing apart from what i read on the net, but so far my plants are looking rather nice and smell lushaliciuos. so could you guys let me know if this was a bad idea, i will have cut about 6 of two of my three plants, and ps i have no idea what strain they are , :sad: thanks muchly. The doozer


Active Member
Wont hurt a bit, I do it all the time so as to concentrate the plants energy on the main colas.


Thats what i read, but scared i might kill them, how far should i focus on cutting would you say, i have like 6-8 thick stems then the rest of the buds which are the size of a small marble, are on little stems that come of the main branches, should i cut these too thx man


Well-Known Member
Sometimes i prune my plants. I usually cut everything off the bottom third of the plant. Some say it helps the plant focus more energy to the top. It also allows for better air flow too. It won't hurt your plants at all. Try tucking leaves too. Get more light to bud sites. If a big fan leaf is blocking a bud site and you can't keep it tucked under then snip it away. Don't go too crazy. If you can spare the leaves then do so. As for the bottom third tho.... cut away...


thx very much guys, i have been tucking my fan leaves out the way as they are pretty big, i shall continue pruning tomorrow, is it still ok to do it as i have just started my second week of flower