Pruning Late In Flowering


New Member
Hey! I'm about to start week 7 of flowering and I have a good section of super light green / yellow leaves and buds at the very bottom edges of the [fairly big] plant. I decided to do very minimal pruning before flowering (to leave as many leaves as I could as a nutrient buffer of sorts), so this is basically expected. Will it bring me any benefit in harvest by removing these obviously [i believe at this point] useless parts of the plant this late - or am i best off to just ride it out?

If i decide to let these ghost buds stay til harvest are they good for anything? Like can i use them for something useful - or just toss em?

Can provide pictures if needed but i'm fairly sure you all know exactly what i'm referring to.

Thanks dudes.
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Well-Known Member
when the leaves start to turn yellow they are done producing energy. The energy that the plant gets back out of them if left on is not much plus getting them off opens up air circulation and the more air passing over the leaves the better.