pruing lower branches 4.5 weeks into flower for optimal resource distribution


Hey guys,

I am 4.5 weeks into flowering. Since the stretch at the beginning of flowering my plants have gotten very tall and I am thinking that the bottom branches are a waste of energy and not even getting the light they would need to be worth keeping there. Would it stress my plants if i was to remove some of the bottom branching with TINY buds that are much lighter green due to their lack of light?

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
I'm a fan of trimming the lower branches, they are a waste of resources. I've never had bad results doing so.
i did a couple of lower branches last week(we're at 4 1/2 weeks bloom, bubble gum bubbas) and am taking no more than 4 or 5 yellow leaves about every 5 days. seems to be on schedule still.