protecting outdoor in-ground plants from the weather! HELP!


Well-Known Member
there is a very windy and and strong storm coming. I have 2 beautiful plants outdoors.. what are some techniques to protect them? I searched on google to no avail. can you guys help me? I know your select advise will be better anyways :-) I need help immediately.. the storm will be here in less then 10 hours :-(

my ideas:

I have one topped plant that has 2 main large arms. would it support the plant from the winds if I used a rope to tie the 2 arms together? Or would this prove as a tool to catch strong gusts and uproot itself sideways?

I also have a less then 2 foot tall plant(mind you, both of these plants just started budding :weed:) and I was thinking about putting a bucket on top of her, and fastening it into the dirt somehow.. what do you guys think?

any ideas on the upcoming hurricanes in the atlantic? + rep if you can help me, or redirect me to somewhere with information available..


You can drive a couple stakes/poles into the ground at least half height of your plants and strap the shit out of them.

Seems like a lot of craziness though. I would just leave them and let them get stronger in this storm


Well-Known Member
hmm.. I think I will leave them for now, considering there will only be 5-10 mph winds through this storm.

but there are hurricanes coming with 60 mph winds so far! people on the east coast of the USA, and in the tropical islands below up into gulf coast, what are you going to do about your babies?!