Prot3us1's Grow Box



Ok guys, Here's the rundown...this first post will be a bit big, after this ill try to compact them up a bit.

Grow Box dimensions:
1M(Length) x 1M(Width) x 1.5M(Height)

Grow box is made from timber. I have been constructing it for the past few days. It is lined in Panda Plastic.


3 x Random Bagseed

Dutch Masters ferts.

1 x 400w HPS
(Have some CFL's for lower foliage later on if needed.)

My kitty Suki, My GF Mo0, and time and effort are my helpers.

Ok now all the info is out of the way I will add some pics and wrap this post up. I know its bad to double post, but for ease of searching later, I will follow on with my first and second day reports in a seperate reply. From then on updates as normal.





Ok so here's day 2. Not much to say. Still no lining Still with CFL.

A few pics and we will go on to day 3. Then we are up to date.

Note: I will start the veg counting from when the first few real leaves grow. We are currently in the "seedling" phase.



Well-Known Member
Looks like a good start prot3us. I've thought about using the dutchmaster nutes, so I'm looking forward to seeing how they work for you. So is the random bagseed from nugget bags, or just mids? I bet you before you harvest these plants your gonna wanna be buying genetics. Thats how it was for me on my first grow, and I know thats what happened with King. He went alll out crazy for genetics, lol. But good start man, I'll hang around and keep an eye on things. Feel free to swing by my journal if you'd like to see what I've got goin on. I posted up some pics yesterday. Latta man, welcome to RIU!


Hey TC,
I feel like i know you sorta already, from kings thread lol...Ive also checked yours out :P...I like to research when im baked ya know?

Ive moved the light down, at peak outside temp i can only barely feel the warmth from the lamp on my hand, so im pretty sure its not too low.

I cant help but check in soooo often on the plant during its light hours...which at the moment is 23/1.

The seeds were nice buds, its what ive always been told is skunk...what ive been told is probably wrong haha..but im sure you guys can help me identify some o the traits as we grow...(judging size, leaves, colors and bud characteristics we should be able to know the basics of it).

Im rambling, lol..I have some of this diesel stuff going around right now..has a slight strange smell to it...i wouldnt say diesel..but it could be close if you know what i mean?...i get rambly on this stuff, but not really giggly.


Oh and i am ordering some real genetics tonight :P. In fact I might do it


I would like to get northern lights, white widow and maybe bubblegum....Attitude wont ship to my country anymore...well not without me having to sign for the package anyways...So im not sure who to use...BC bud depot is apparently good but very expensive...(I dont want to buy 12 seeds right now, just one or 2 to do a trial run with).

Once this bagseed run is finished i will be doing a genetics i have a while before i need the seeds..Im basically going to veg until im happy with th size of the plants, then im going to go 12/12 until they are done. I wont harvest until about 20 - 25% of trichs are amber, for a strong head high. I will need advice on when to begin flushing.

I dont have a carbon filter yet...the local hydro shop has one on sale for $120 for an industrial one! about 1.2m long (the carbon tube) with cotton around it as a prefilter. The fan it has on it looks quite powerful..
I think it might be a bit much for my little room. I will diy something in time.

Do you guys know any seller that sells seeds individually..Later on id love 12 seeds, but for now before i nail my balls to the floor and do anything decent scale i just want to make sure i can keep one far so good on the bagseed...but thats nothing to lose lol...I have a feeling ill be much more nervous with a decent seed in there...nervous leads to i need to set up an electric fence around the grow box to keep me away lol. Looking for any seed source who has single/double decent priced seeds in any of hese strains:
White widow
The Church

In that order..

On to the baby...
I checked on her this morning (I say her with hope that she will be lol)

Shes looking good, her leaves are pointing up a bit...So I have installed the exhaust fan, and moved the fan that was blowing directly on her away more. The temp was 30 deg c, now down to between 20 and 25.


P.s: If her leaves dont go back to normal, I will chuck up a pic and maybe you guys can help diagnose :).


Ok Update time:

The seedling is going GREAT under the new light. I sorta thought it had stopped growing till I looked at older pics...her milk leaves used to be way bigger than her first set, now look at the proper ones! far bigger than the milks!

Ive been looking into shroom growing...I have never had shrooms...In fact all my life my family has been open with drugs and alcohol..never encouraging me to try anything, but answering my questions and allowing me to try if and when i was ready..because of this i never felt the need till now...(Well about a year ago now). I love marijuana, and I have no problems with also trying shrooms...I have no problems with mates doing any drugs they want so long as: (I mean i wont try to stop them, i think everyone should research before taking anything...try to get a feel for the effects before you take anything so you dont trip balls when you start seeing aliens walking around with mexican hats and water pistols) LOL - Ive never had a love to tho i bet it rules.

If its at my house they respect the house
They dont get violent or aggressive or start crap
If they have come to the party, and want to participate in the sharing of drugs, then they also put something in...had a few people coming every party never putting in and getting high as a kite...nobody minded but i think its a bit unfair on those of us providing...

So im cool with mates and others doing any drugs they want, but for myself i have a rule...if i dont grow it i dont take it. Weed is ok to buy street bags, around here its ok, im growing my own now arent i lol.

So yea, been reading up on a shroomery...I have everything to make the FC, need a PC..need substrate and spores...I am just going to buy premixed injections this time, then see how we go from there....(this wont be for a while yet anyways).

Ill post some new pics of the plant etc...installed the fan in a tempoary place for now...ill need to cut a hole in the rof of the grow box, and build a light trap over the fan..I have a passive intake...the door on my cabinet is basically a huge light trap/vent...when the door is closed you cant see any light, but i could stick my arm in and touch my plant if i could bend my arm more...

Pretty happy with the way everythings going. Will update again later tonight....I know im being heaps overzealous with the updates..but as everyone else says, its my first grow and i want to be able to see how much the plant grows each day and stuff...then i can change stuff next crop.


p.s I found a smallish co2 canister, If i remember correctly it only costs ~$7 to swap for a new one...dunno if its worth i or not...not gonna worry about it till later.




Ok so I just wanted to make a note that overwatering and heat was the problem. The last 2 waterings have been only as necessary, and the growth is almost visible hourly..In a peat tablet still so not a large amount of water is contained inside.

hoping to wake up tomorrow with a nice surprise waiting for me in the grow box.



Well, i dunno if anyones actually watching this seeing as nobody is commenting!

I ordered some seeds today..yay :P

10 x Northern Lights
10 x White Label Double Gum
1 x Free Haze seed. Lol.

Thats 21 seeds, should be fine..


Seedmadness... The only one so far that has nice low prices and ships over here for an ok shipping price...

Ill be making an incubator for these, that way i can finish up my bagseed grow and go straight into vegging the good seeds...

Basically, ill be going 12/12 on the bagseed asap...


Active Member
I was going to tell you about Worldwide marijuana seeds. You can get good genetics in singles for future refrence. Highly recommend them, extremly fast and stealthy.


ooh thanks!! Ill go have a look as theres a few i would like to try! thanks for the tip!!!


Junior Creatologist
Dude your girls look just fine for four days progress. Just keep doin what your doin n remember not to feed any nutes until after week 2. Really though if your using soil u cab wait until week 3, because no matter what soil mix your using it'll have micronutrients in there already that will keep a young plant thriving for a few good weeks. N also remember to wait until the soil is almost bone dry before watering, once you have everything all settled in. You'll feel the difference between a dry plant and a still wet plant as time goes by. Usually it's every 3-4 days, but in your seedlings case I'd just keep on doin what your doin for now. Just remember roots need oxygen to thrive. If your soil or medium is always wet, it will never have the chance to be oxygenated. If you let it dry out, the soil will have air pockets all over the place, and once you water, it'll basically suck those air pockets down into the roots system, allowing the roots to get that boost. Once the plants get bigger, you'll notice that every time you water, within that 3-4 day period you'll see a growth spurt. That's the oxygen at work in the soil.

As far as your seeds go, you made a good choice. I had done double gum in my grow this time around but I had some problems n ended up frying them lol. I would look into getting some feminized seeds. You made a great choice, n I'm glad to see you got someone to ship to you too. Next time if your looking for just one or two seeds, check out . They're selection is feminized, and you can buy nothing but singles if u want to. Just food for thought man.

Keep up the good work prot, I'll be followin your journal- n if u have any questions dude, me or one of the guys in my journal will be able to help out I'm sure. They're all really good guys, so don't be afraid to ask for help if u need it.

Later man :D



Thanks for dropping in king!

For the first few days i kept it wet, and there was some growth still but not much. It was sort of a natural thing to do...then i THOUGHT about it, and remembered reading that they should be allowed to dry out and sure enough, the plant has doubled in size, the leaves are no longer pointing up and its the most beautiful color green ive ever seen :P.

I was thinking, when i get a bigger place (im restricted to a small part of the shed here..we have people coming and going way too much for anything in the house) I would like to make a grow room with a huge circular rotating table in the room...the table would only go one revolution every minute or whatever...a very very gentle movement...Then have a 1000w hps under a BIG circualar reflector on the roof above the table, this will provide general lighting to the plants to make sure theres no shadows...then have a few 600s hanging vertically, with reflectors facing the sides (2 or 3 of them). The plants would be always moving around, they would always have light on the top and be getting nice doses of light from the sides 3/4 of the time. I have plans in my head for making this work both hydro and soil...soil being much easier of course.

The question is, would this be a good plan..i mean the movement should help strengthen stems and having only 3 out of 4 sides getting intense light at a time, along with the fact the plants move, more of the lower budsites should get light..In nature the sun moves and the plants stay still....If the plants werent moving there would be parts that werent getting light, but with movement i think more of the plant will get light right?

I dunno, its probably a silly idea and not necessary at all...I just cant help but think there is a way to emulate outdoor growth, with all the control you can have with an indoor system...

Do you guys think i should start another thread for my rambling, and keep this just a journal...or is it ok to just do both here? give yas something else to read than just every detail about my plant!

Another of my seeds sprouted (i started them 1 week apart, as i was going to go perpetual already...that plan has changd now...not going perpetual till i get genetics, a bigger room and i think more lighting. (lol...Im usually so bloody tight with cash....i feel gf asked to buy lunch and i said there was plenty se could take along to work with her..then i went and spent like 400 bucks at the hydro shop (when i got my hps etc) i made it up to her and apologised...even thought she didnt complain i think it upset would have done me...

Ah this planet sucks balls...we have to pay for water, pay for food and shelter to survive, we have to do what we are told by the higher ups...i mean yea we need laws...but we are living beings with free minds...forcing us to do things goes against everything natural...we dont own our bodies in this world which sucks so much ass...I sometimes think to myself I wish i coudl buy an island, and make it a full on do what you want place...violence would be frowned upon...but if you wanna grow a crop of 100 mj plants in your front yard, so the postie has to smoke his way to your letterbox every day, so be it hahaha...

Anyways, theres my rant haha...


1 new seeds has leaves yet just the seed has cracked and its taproot is about 1-2mm out. Once it gets to about 1cm I will put it in a peat plug and off we go. Now I always water once i put it in the plug...i do this to settle the peat around the root.. I was would probably be better if i didnt do that right..the plugs already moist from soaking...and if the soil is lightly moist instead of wet it will be easier for the plant to come up...I might use a humidity dome on this seedling...Im doing 3 x bagseed if all sprout..and im taking really detailed notes of each plant and what i do and how it grows...This way hopefully ill have a good method for once the genetics get here..

So i told my best mate "skank" about the grow op...I know you guys all advise against this..but we have been boys since like primary school, we smoke together, we ride together, we have lived together, i know everything about him...he knows the same about me...its one of those frendships that you can talk about anything and not get judged you know...
Anyways he was excited...We recently had the oppurtunity to smoke some bubblegum...I explained to him the difference between indica and sativa, i showed him the box and explained what everything was and stuff...Then i told him im getting stuff like the bubblegum, and he was pretty impessed...Seeing as he will be sharing my bounty with me i guess he would be lol.

I got the seeds shipped to a family members house. We arent fully blood related..half brothers, different last name and all...he doesnt have anything at his house that illegal...hes very hopefully anyone following my seeds if customs let them thru wont find jack squat.

Ok well i think im going to split my journal now...One journal for rambling and crap, one for growing only.


So Im sitting here right, and im stoned thinking...."if a dude can plant a snickers bar (or a nut out of some sort of choc / nut bar) and get a hazelnut growing...I wonder if we planted cat food would a cat grow....

Imagine that world....If you went and got the new ps4 (when it comes out) and i wanted it shit i could just take a clipping of yours, plant it and grow my own....then i could chip it, and clone the chipped version and sell the clones on the blackmarket.... all good....then i thought about extasy....if i planted that what would i get....Im gonna make a poll for this, and see what everyone thinks id get out of these options:

A hot ass chick
A vine that gives me extasy pills
A really horny pot of soil...possibly akin to the movie "killer condoms"...
Other: please leave a comment with your own idea...


Just added links to my grow in my sig....

Plants are doing really well...will update with pics once a week here, see my othr journal for more frequent pictures, as this is sort of my "experimental" thread...for instance coming up soon im trying a new way of aerocloning, thats stoner proof...or in my case, unscrewupabble. Ill have results of that in here...Ive ordered all the bits i need, now i just wait for them to arrive..about a week or so...ill have some clones ready to be cut by then too...