Promix Perlite 50/50 mix


Well-Known Member
At 50/50 promix perlite i seem able to keep my promix constantly moist and with plenty of available air pockets to prevent overwatering symptoms. This also gives me a 3 - 4 day watering cycle which i also like.

Seems a bit excessive with the perlite but promix on its own seems to hold water too long and when dry is a son of a gun to rewet.

Is this about right for promix?


Well-Known Member
Sound about right to me. I do 50/50 ratio of peat/perlite and amended with Lime.

That ratio will allow the rooting to grow mass and more healthy for plant.


Well-Known Member
Thankyou for all replies, makes me confident that between 30% and 50% perlite in the promix allows better root mass and drainage without causing problems :-)


Well-Known Member
In soil i would never need a bottom layer for drainage but have been adding a layer of perlite at the bottom.

The bottom of the pot seems to be the last place promix dries even when the top half is dry, these observations were what led me to add these amendments. I feel like with excellent drainage i can keep the promix constantly moist and full of oxygen for the roots.

Again thanks for input as this was not my intention to add perlite but where my plants have taken me.

Any other experience on promix please feel free to share :-)


Well-Known Member
I've been a coco grower but decided to switch over to Promix HP after following just about everything I could find from the member named Homebrewer on this site. I added between 25 - 30% vermiculite and a tad more perlite to what comes out of the bag and it is what seems to be for me, an absolutely perfect mix. It is so light and airy, yet doesn't require constant watering like I experienced with coco. With the addition of vermiculite, when it does it dry, it doesn't loosen up from the side of the pot where water would then run down the sides and out the drainage holes. It has really been a lot easier and much less work for me.