promix hp medium


i am using promix hp medium to grow indoors with cfls and i just have a quick question about the medium. after about a week or sothe leaves started to turn brown and black and brown spots on the leave tips. i transplanted them out of the small pots into bigger ones and added worm casting to the medium. the next day the leaves went striaght up and look good just wondering why thye did that in the small pots.

i was thinkning it was becasue there were nothing left in the soil for the plant but dont no for sure can anybody sort me out with this?


Well-Known Member
With pics, we'll have your answer quickly. W/O, it could be a number of things. I've grown in pro-mix for many years and I've seen it all- the good and the bad.


Well-Known Member
i am using promix hp medium to grow indoors with cfls and i just have a quick question about the medium. after about a week or sothe leaves started to turn brown and black and brown spots on the leave tips. i transplanted them out of the small pots into bigger ones and added worm casting to the medium. the next day the leaves went striaght up and look good just wondering why thye did that in the small pots.

i was thinkning it was becasue there were nothing left in the soil for the plant but dont no for sure can anybody sort me out with this?

How small were the pots, how big are the other pots, how long have they been in there, how old are the plants, do u add lime to the pro-mix, do u have holes in the bottom of the pots, do u pH the water, do u check the pH of the run-off after watering, how much light, what's the temps and humidity, fresh air?, how often do u water, leaf problems start high or low on the plants......... that's a start.


IMG_0481.jpg 4 daylight cfls 42 watt actual no nutes yet anmd nothing added to the medium. and didnt check the ph temps are 25C 6" exhaust and passive intake


when i transplanted them to bigger pots 12" by 12" by 12" and added worm casting to the medium the next day they look healthy and are stright upand reaching for the lights very impressed just wanted to know what was going on. the perlite in the medium started to turn yellow in the small pots


Well-Known Member
thanks alot

will worm casting work? i added 1/4 worm casting and 3/4 promix is this good enough with nutes?
Dnt want to give an answer here I use straight pro mix never really messed around with guano and pro mix ....dnt want to lead u in wrong way ..I would go into organics section of the site and ask or some one will chime in