Producing seeds in veg


I'm doing a new strain for me. Its a blue rhino from Highgrade. Sorry for not having any photos right now. It is producing seeds in the 5th week of veg. I have 2 plants doing this and one looks fine. Can anyone give me any ideas. Other than all three are about 12" high and look great. All have been under 18/6.


Active Member
got any pics dude? sounds unbelievable, maybe your mistaken.. are the plants being re-vegged after flowering?.. have you googled to confirm??


Active Member
Still male. Plants can go into flower under 18/6 photoperiod if the lighting isn't adequate.


Ok, guys thanks for the lesson. This my first try at regular seeds, thought they were pollen sacks, they looked just like seeds. With them in veg really threw me for a loop. Since my other plant has no pods and no buds, I'm just going to hose her down and see what happens.