Producing buds?


Active Member
Hey i got a simple question for some of you i got a plant 6 feet tall two feet wide and i hasnt started making bud its outside its a female and i only have about month to month and a half before first snow or frost so got any suggestions to speed it up or anything?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yup induce flowering cover it up yo........ 12/12 sdhould start flowering on iuts own though but you can cover with black tarp.........take it of every twelve hours thats a big bitch to have in vegg..... gonna be a massive yielder

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
No flowers what so ever? Man even by covering and un-covering everyday. A month wont be enough time for mature flowerers.
Good luck to you.
All else fails you will have a lot of material to make Butter, or hash with.
