Produce weed in 43 days

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Misguided Angel
You just lost any ounce of credibility you just had with me. I have sat here and read and read looking for any kind of insight into what you may have to offer, and have found none. i am not a hater, but a realist. You have to realize that coming onto here claiming to be an expert and then offering nothing substantial to back up your claims is just looking for hate mail. If you really don't care what people think of you on here then why are you giving into them and keep coming back again? Peace.


Well-Known Member
Let me help to break it down for you prof...

To all of you at RIU, please allow me to apolofies (spell check is your friend) for the complete stupidity I got rapped up in throughout this thread. This was a complete waste of my time as well as yours. For that I am truly sorry.
Good start...

For the record before I sign out, I am really not concerned about your money, never have been.
Then provide us some of the things you promised in this thread. One of the simple ones should be the teaser basics you promised.

I should know by now that there are always going to be people that feel threatened by somebody that has a higher degree of knowledge.

My sole purpose at this stage of my life is to help educate others on the science of cannabis cultivation
Well, and to make cash off growers... C'mon, be serious, you can tell us...

and to put an end to the rediculous laws surrounding it.
A noble goal but that is at least 2 if not 3 purposes at your stage in life...

I have spent my entire life learning about this amazing plant and have gained what I believe to be a wealth of information that would be bennificial to other growers. I believe I have a duty to share this knowledge and am always willing to do so.
For the amount of posts in this thread versus the amount of information you feel it is your duty to share... hmm, a little lacking on the latter.

I must admit that it gets very old being bashed for no reason other than ego of those who feel threatened. It is hard to understand why it is that I became a target, and then become the villan for defending myself.
See the ego comment above. Add to it a sarcastic attitude and the lack of delivery of your promises and that gives you a good place to start looking for the cuases why.

I will except all responsability for this mess because I should know better, it is unfortunately the norm as opposed to the exception.
You keep doing the same thing with the expectation of different results. - The definition of insanity. I know, why doesnt the whole forum of 22,000 active members change to suite you!!! :O

To new growers, please remain open to the possibility to new things. There has not been a single thing I have said that has been a lie or an exaggeration, I can, and do achieve the results stated on a regular basis.
And you have had multiple opportunities to back that up with pictures other than Cheech & Chong.

You will be best served to listen to those who have a few grows under them and try for yourself.
Now that is good advice.

Most of those who have been the haters have been growing for a couple years, not decades.
Which is why they are probably up to date on the latest methods of cultivation.

I have thousands of grows in every type of growing there is
EGO - and seriously... thousands of grows of every type? You have what? 10 grows a year for 43 years is 430 grows. And you stated in this post you dont exaggerate you fibber...

and have no motivation other then helping people become better growers.
For a profit...

It seems that if you profit in any way you are bad.
Not at all, however if you lie about trying to make a profit and run around posting illegal pseudo advertisements while providing nothing else then you are not wanted here.

I suspect that almost everyone who grows profits in one way or another and there is nothing wrong with that. I have been asked several times to offer free of charge. I have spent 5 years and a great deal of money putting my dvd togther and am not going to give it away in it's entirety free of charge.
Oh wait, wasnt it just out of the kindness of your heart a few paragraphs ago? I am confused...

I offered to give the basic concept to everyone free of cost if allowed a bit of time. This was recived again as something bad.
In 43 years you havent put something together? C'mon professor... the drama is getting a little thick.

"I want it all now, without doing anything for it" seems to be the overall thought. Sorry, not going to happen.
You were never going to give it up anyway... .

If you have read this thread of insults you will find just about everything you need to know to do what I do. Put some thought and effort into it and you can make it happen too.
Why did you waste so much time then?

As I said, WHEN the dvd is released I will work with anyone to make sure it is in your means to purchase if you want it.

I don't know of any leading authorities on the subject that will discount their books or video's if you can't affoard them. I will.
Personally, I think you have met more authorities on this site than you ever have in real life.

So my appologies, and am happy to address GROWING questions at my site when I have time.
My site is dead and I am trying to generate traffic. Hey prof? If the purpose of the site is just to discuss YOUR method, it isnt going to get very lively over there...

As you've been told (in the form of an insult) it is a small site because it was built specifically for the release of this dvd and the tour of seminars to follow. That meens you can get some direct answers from me when time and health allow.

Good luck to all of you.



Well-Known Member
Hey fdd2blk....I thought personal attacks were not tolerated on the forums?
neither is spamming. we made an exception for this guy. ;)

he's pretty much done nothing but insulted this whole site since he showed up. i don't want to delete this thread because i want others to see this guy for who he is. so we'll just play along for the fun of it.



Active Member
Sup FDD? On his last couple post I seen where you have edited Profmj posts. What happened there. What did he say we dont know?


Misguided Angel
neither is spamming. we made an exception for this guy. ;)

he's pretty much done nothing but insulted this whole site since he showed up. i don't want to delete this thread because i want others to see this guy for who he is. so we'll just play along for the fun of it.

Damn rights. Leave this up so anyone who googles him or his self proclaimed title will have this thread to see, and judge for themselves if his douchebaggery is warranted.


Active Member
neither is spamming. we made an exception for this guy. ;)

he's pretty much done nothing but insulted this whole site since he showed up. i don't want to delete this thread because i want others to see this guy for who he is. so we'll just play along for the fun of it.


So it's ok for everyone to attack ProfMJ cause he did it to us? That makes no sense. However you view ProfMJ is your personal opinions. But just sitting here and bombarding him with insults and also at his wife is very immature and childish.

I say close this thread because it's degraded down to personal attacks and spam. Leave it up , if you want , sticky it if you want. Just LOCK it so this cannot continue. This thread is now just a cesspool of ignorance and personal attacks. Please, Fdd2blk, don't let this thread continue.


Well-Known Member

So it's ok for everyone to attack ProfMJ cause he did it to us? That makes no sense. However you view ProfMJ is your personal opinions. But just sitting here and bombarding him with insults and also at his wife is very immature and childish.

I say close this thread because it's degraded down to personal attacks and spam. Leave it up , if you want , sticky it if you want. Just LOCK it so this cannot continue. This thread is now just a cesspool of ignorance and personal attacks. Please, Fdd2blk, don't let this thread continue.

dude's women came at me with numbered questions. then he kept on me to answer them. i have and i am waiting for her reply. meanwhile the rest of us are just having fun. i don't think to many of US are really serious about ANYTHING posted within this thread. i think we can move it to toke-in-talk and call it a "parody". if that will help you feel better about it. :)


Well-Known Member

So it's ok for everyone to attack ProfMJ cause he did it to us? That makes no sense. However you view ProfMJ is your personal opinions. But just sitting here and bombarding him with insults and also at his wife is very immature and childish.

I say close this thread because it's degraded down to personal attacks and spam. Leave it up , if you want , sticky it if you want. Just LOCK it so this cannot continue. This thread is now just a cesspool of ignorance and personal attacks. Please, Fdd2blk, don't let this thread continue.
The professor probably takes pleasure in this, otherwise he wouldn't bother to hear it(or read it, if you will...)if that's the case...leave it open, give the guy a chance to defend his reputation...and redeem himself to this community...



Well-Known Member
bad publicity is still publicity. when he badmouths this site next weekend we will get a flood of new members. ;)


Well-Known Member
bad publicity is still publicity. when he badmouths this site next weekend we will get a flood of new members. ;)
haha, Precisely, there is no such thing as bad publicity...and with the Professor's outstanding experience and reputation, more people should be interested in joining our community!

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