Problems with the Iolite


Active Member
i got an iolite as a gift from a friend am having problems with the damn thing.

- why is it so hard to fill the unit with butane?
- even tho butane is odorless, why am i getting a gas-like taste?
- the fucking stem or mouthpiece broke off within the first day of using it! Any options on replacement parts or do i have to call up the manufacturer to get it? Are there 3rd party mouthpieces that perhaps wont break within 24 hours of use?
-why is my unit not turning on after i fill it up with butane?
- how do i know its working? I only taste gas and hear hissing noises
- i dont think im getting the essence of my herb cuz it doesnt taste like vapors should

And form my understanding of vaporizing, every herb will vaporize at different temperatures depending on its moisture and active ingredient content....this only constantly stays at around 375? Isnt that a little high? Can i control this at all?



Active Member
you can get a replacement mouthpiece off ebay for a pretty good price. you need to turn the switch from 0 to 1 on the iolite, then your gonna start hearing the hissing sound. press the button on the side and look for the orange light to turn on. once the hissing sound goes off you can hit it. everytime the hissing starts again, the iolite is heating up.