Problems with my babies!


Active Member
Alright well I have an Aerogarden and we are about three weeks into veg. planning on going into flowering soon. But one problem ever since I added one of the herb nutes the new growth has all been coming out yellow and there are small orange spots on some of the lower leaves and a few browning at the tips.

I have the stock aerogarden + a extra airpump/airstone that really gets it bubblin and then three extra soft white CFLs like the kind that replace household lights. Could the problem be lack of fresh air? Because right now they are in a friends apartment behind his main house where there is not currently AC so it stays at around 95 degrees in our box. We have a small fan circulating air in the grow box.

But Regaurdless of their defficencies they are still drinking quite a bit of water and still growing.


Well-Known Member
95 degrees is WAY TO HIGH...thats definitelly one problem. Also you wrote ever since you added nutes you have that problem with yellowing...might be nute burn as well. Get the temps to 75 - 80 and see how they do.


Active Member
Yeah I knew that was a problem for sure. I thought that might just stunt their growth or something but we are getting that problem fixed here in the next few days as were putting in an AC out there.