problem with my plant first grow please help

pot life

Im a first time grower i need help my plants look down really droopy with brown/yellow spots on them some twisted leaves and top of main stem purple. I got them as clones their now 2 and a half months old ive noticed a little bit of fungus gnats and some ants but got rid of the ants yesterday. Their in veg stage 18/6 with 1000 watt mh



Well-Known Member
They look thirsty as hell. Top dress with some Diatomaceous earth, get a stick yellow trap near each stalk and drown them bitches with gnatrol or mosquito bits. Sometimes gnat infestations can get bad enough where it really affects the plants. Plants start showing what looks like deficiencies or burns, falling leaves etc. I had a problem with them and I got them under control but not gone yet. Other than that your plant looks fine.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I looked at the picture closer so I take back the, your plant looks fine, part. Looks like you have more than just the bugs you mentioned. Get a handheld micro scope and look around.

pot life

Thanks man i really appreciate your input. the soil still feels moist though. what other bugs do you think i might have?


Well-Known Member
ants can mean that you might have aphids they usually only come around to feed on smaller insects ( just a thought)