Problem after transplant to 4G pot.


Happens to all plants in few crops. Leavez will totally burn after 3 weeks flowering. Any one know what is it. This pics is 30 days veg. Ph test at 6.5 with promix hp. Feed every 2 days with 2 litres after transplant. Same nutrinet of GH for years, just got this problem last 5 months.. Keep moving 1 crop after another...Please help



Well-Known Member
Cannabis Deficiencies.jpg

The more info you can give us the better. Feeding every 2 days sounds like a little much to much of what are you giving them? What are temps/rh in the grow room?


You shouldn't feed every watering. Are you getting any run-off? If not you can get a build up from the nutes and cause them to lock out various nutrients.


You shouldn't feed every watering. Are you getting any run-off? If not you can get a build up from the nutes and cause them to lock out various nutrients.
I don't feed until run off. I did the same way long time, just got the problem last few months.1 food, 1 water. I just check ph of nutrient, cause has no run off