probation questions for a non noob

ok first off let me say im not stupid i just have a soft spot for gods vagina. the main problem about dis is that i am on FELONY PROBATION for some dumb shit i did a year ago. ive been through all of dis and ive been able to stop smokeing for about almost the whole time. forced out of my favorite habit ive been smoke legal weed.....(yes i kno it sucks taste like shit and last like 10 mins but all of my friends smoke and its hard not to role up when theres 3+ blunts being passed around) so 4/20 comes around and its bad bcuz its my busiest day since i grow weed. and my crop of some of the best weed ive ever grown was done and i just finished curing most of it. like im proud of dis crop i wish i would have cloned but i was stupid and didnt have enough space for it in my indoor grow room. anyways i gave my girl and friends close to like idek didnt way it mabey 2 oz(ounces). and they smoked and smoked and smoked and smoke lol so i just had to go crazy and puff puff. or i would have killed myself. sooo to make a long story short i smoke mabey 2 hit out of hooka and 1 blunt that day and then stoped till the 30 of april when i smoked over my whore ass girl friend lol cuz i was locked and loaded needed my best friend lmao or problems would have occured. smoked a total of mabey 8 blunts frm april 20th till may 9th ruffly not just me in groups cuz went hard partying and i wasnt seein my po. stoped untill the 23rd of may at 4am were i smoked 1 blunt between 4 ppl. havent smoked since. i get tested on june 9th. i am 6.0 feet tall weight 158 athelets build bout like 4 % body fat run evey day and drink alot of fluids. so after all that the question is do u think ill pass. cuz i just bought a new car, motocycle plus rent and a girlfirend =runin low on money also my next crop wont be dont for a least 3 months so my shitty as job is my only income so i would hate to waste 40 dollars on detox but i will if i must thanks soo much.



Active Member
u about identical to my size and i can exersize/pound liquids and have it out safely in a week,i know people who do it in much less, its what i did on probo. but your on felony probo i wouldnt fuck around id get a detox drink bro.


Yo I think my weed plant die nd its two months nd couple weeks nd its a feet I think big but by a mistake. Fall out nd the leads it lookin. Down man I realy need help