prob already asked .. but search doesn't work for me

Active Member
Hi all,

appreciate your patience if these have already been asked but search doesn't work for me and even the 101 questions thread .... is pages long.

before switching to outside ... I did inside a few seasons with success. I just had to bail because my grow room was a dugout I did with a backhoe (in one night) that I dropped in 4 walls and a roof and had an underground grow room)...

anyway worked great until it finally got flooded.

questions are ..... the lighting ... when trying to get as much light to the plants as possible is it wiser to use mirrors to reflect light back onto the plants or white paint? edited to add we used white gravel for flooring.

also have heard of using aluminum foil but heard it didn't work near as well.

what I'm wondering about the mirrors is if they reflect all the spectrums .. I know they will grow a plant because I've experimented a little bit. they seemed to keep it alive anyway, I never pursued to full growth.


I'm old school (sadly) and in my day there were rumors of the law flying over in planes with heat detecting shit that could spot a garden (because pot puts off heat at night and I'm pretty sure that's right) ...

my question is what about inside your house or a grow room in a shed or basement?

will the heat be a giveaway?

we used to worry about electric bill too... but I doubt that is a worry now if it ever deserved to be.

thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
use mylar u can get it at lowes for reflectivness white matte paint is second best tin foil fucks up more then it helps..

As far as detection in order for the cops to use the cameras called FLIR "forward looking infered" they have to have a warrant to look into your house with it. but outside its fair game. and as long as your not running like over 3kwatts of hps i doubt a grow smaller then that would warrant a warrant unless u did something dumb like sold weed from your house or at all or told someone

Active Member
Thanks to you both. I read that about use it rollitup at google ... ashamedly ... it could have been before coming here :)

more ashamedly is that I can't remember whether it was before or after ... not that I was too lazy to use the google method.

getting old and the 60's were good to me :)

... just kidding. it was the 70s.