Prices In Pa


New Member
i can get any kind of weed. usually mids 25 1/8, 60 1/2, 125 an o. but i know people up at the burg that get bad deals sometimes, so i hook them up. but i can get nugs whenever and haze its just if your willing to put some extra cash up for it.
hey im looking for buds can u help


New Member
125-160 for mids. 200-250 for the "good shit" but usually still unknown strains. I can get mids at an eighth for 25-30fourth 50-65, half 70-100. Anything like ak-47 goes for about 60 an eighth. The "mids" i get are usually all nugs, some seeds, but overall not bad at all. If there's crappy weed floating around that's brown or looks like shit I'll pass up and wait for new stuff to come.
looking for weed c


Well-Known Member
You're either a cop or stupid beyond human comprehension. I hope those Nigerian scammers never get your number.