Previously Potted Plants Fouled by Falling Flourescent....Trouble?


Active Member
About two weeks ago, I transplanted from Jiffy Pots into large (for my space) 9 liter pots with a nice soil mix. Up until last night I was very pleased with growth--I was running the lights (two 58cm flourescents) on a 18 on/6 off schedule, and everything seemed to be going well, aside from my leaves not growing very consistently. It's my first time, though, and I was pretty pleased with how things were progressing.

Last night, while turning the lights off for the evening, the damnedest thing happened--one of the flourescents fell right out of the fixture, and onto my plants! My lovingly named Plant No1 sustained a full break on the uppermost area of the main stem, while Plant No2 suffered a full break of some new growth branching off from the top of the main stem.

My questions are:

a) How worried should I be about this?
b) How will this slow down growth?
c) Do I need to do something with lights, water, soft music, etc. to facilitate healing?
d) What's up with those leaves not getting beyond 3 points?

Pictures are included--any help (either advice or just assuaging my (hopefully irrational) fearas) would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
they should deff need more lights some Pavarotti :D just jk.if the main stem are broken you should support them and tape them.if the upper parts are broken it's like topping.and by the way dude i see some female preflowering on the fifth picture. peace!!! Cheetah