Preventing Budworms/caterpillars w/ netting?


Active Member
It seems every year those damn caterpillars ruin a decent amount of crop and this year i'm looking at every way of preventing these guys early as possible.

Last year I used some 'Caterpillar Killer' I got from a local hydro store and sprayed down buds all the way up from 2 weeks before harvest and hooked up a big bug zapper. It seemed to work well and not affect flavor or high at all but not good enough as I still lost a bunch of nice colas and would yo prefer not to spray my buds.

This year I plan to go w/ some sort of netting for my area. Can anyone suggest where to buy this netting and for an area about 15ft x 15ft with only 12 plants should I look at covering the entire area or can large netting 'bags' for plants about 6-7ft be purchased somewhere?

thanks for any info!


Well-Known Member
You prolly lost those nice colas because you sprayed AFTER you already had problems.

What I'm saying is, spray BEFORE you have problems and prevent them from coming at all. If you spray AFTER you already have caterpillars, then they just DIE in your cola, thus more bud rot on top of all they already ate.

Btw netting won't help much, you would need shade cloth, some of the moths are tiny and would get thru the net no problem.

Hope this helps.
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Well-Known Member
start spraying in veg. pretty much right now you'll see moths flitting around and laying eggs in many areas. kill those babies.


Well-Known Member
Spinosad kills them quick. Like maryjanefamily said, spray before a problem starts. I lost no more than an oz from about 40lbs.


Well-Known Member
I'm considering using this: I used a half inch weave a few years ago, but it's difficult to manage and I took it down before harvest. This bird net has a 1/4 inch weave that I think will keep out the moths and butterflies, but I'm not certain. You must keep the area tightly closed with it, or trap beneficial insects like bees or wasps and maybe birds. Not a big deal if you add it to your routine. Freeing the insects trying to get out was a nuisance. I'll still use neem oil, even if I get this.
If u want in organic way try to use spicy chilli and mix it to water then spray to ur herb...u r so lucky only caterpillar want to attack, my prob here in ph birds want to eat leaves of my herb