prehistoric marijuana?


Active Member
So, I've read that archaeologists have found marijuana seeds in ancient human caves etc. My question is if it is possible to identify the oldest strain, the single type of marijuana that has been consistently smoked over millennial? If they sold a strain called "Great-great-great-great-Grandma" I would totally buy it!


Well-Known Member
there are 4 original pure strains of cannabis...sativa,indica,ruderalis and afganica.....sativa and indica being the most common...ruderalis is a low to now thc strain and afghanica is a hash plant grown mostly in the middle since the africa..mainly kenya and eithiopia saw the first signs of wondering if afghanica could be the oldest strain......

Mr Kush

Active Member
Interesting stuff... I've always loved hearing about marijuana history. If our government wasn't so anal they should teach that as a school subject, haha.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis afghanica

A subspecies of Cannabis indica that originated in (or near) Afghanistan. Like indica (and unlike sativa), it is a short plant. Unlike indica that can grow to a maximum height of 8-10 feet outdoors, afghanica will only grow to a maximum height of 6 feet. Cannabis afghanica leaves look similar to indica plant leaves, but they are even wider.
The plants have a high cannabinoid content and in Afghanistan they are most often used to produce hashish (rather than marijuana). The hashish from Afghanistan has mainly been produced by hand rubbing (although sieving has a long history in the area).
This may account for the origin of the subspecies. Indica plants being selectively cultivated and mated to produce a subspecies of short plants with a fairly high THC content. Being geographically isolated (over a period of centuries), plants developed certain characteristics that now distinguish Cannabis afghanica from Cannabis indica.
A seed strain that comes from afghanica heritage will usually have afghan, afghani, or something along those lines in its name. For example, afgani haze is a strain that was developed by crossing Cannabis afghanica with haze plants.


Well-Known Member
Is there any trademark high assoicated with the Afghanica strains? Sativa's being soaring and trippy, indicas bieng stoney and body load, Ruderalis is hemp that i know of, or a land race species......and afghanica is short as well, but heavier in resin.....


Active Member
they found weed with an Egyptian mummy last year... thats right, my people were creating beer and smoking weed before your people even existed! Egypt stand up! lmao