Pre-Sprout (Light or No Light?)


New Member
Soak them in a small glass of water (tap water is fine) overnight in a dark place. The next day put them between moist paper towels on a small plate. Invert another plate of the same size over the top as a lid. Then put the whole thing in a large freezer storage bag and blow it up and seal it to make it look like a pillow. Put the storage bag in a warm dark place. Check it in 2 - 3 days. If the seeds are viable, you will have roots.

Yes, there are very fine, microscopic fingers on the roots that can get tangled in the paper towel fabric, if you let the roots get too long. However, transplanting from the paper towel doesn't tear them up enough to hurt them. At this stage they are vulnerable, but also very adaptive and will easily recover.

I even soak my peas, tomato, squash and zuchinni seeds the same way before I plant them in the Jiffy peat pellets.

You need to keep the peat pellets, warm, moist and dark to get good germination.

Good luck.
no need for all that hassle.
just plant them.


Well-Known Member
You're right. Just planting them should work most of the time.

Hasn't worked for him yet though. Mother Nature even germinates new seedlings in dark, warm, moist places under last year's fallen foliage rather than out in the open.

Stupidity = Using the same people, the same processes and the same products and expect different results.

If it's not broke don't fix it, I agree. But if it not working for you, then you need to make some changes that work for you.

Are your seeds good?

Once again, good luck.


Well-Known Member
be patient, once they have germinated then give light definaletly, when germinating my mother and i keep them in well lit areas, but i knwo germinating in the dark works too


New Member
be patient, once they have germinated then give light definaletly, when germinating my mother and i keep them in well lit areas, but i knwo germinating in the dark works too
seeds only germ in the dark.
if they are planted in to the soil(under lights)then the seed is still in dark as its under the soil.
if its done in paper towels they are germed in the dark.
if seeds are planted in jiffys they are in the dark.
if seeds are pre soaked in a jar of water in a dark cupboard they are still in the dark.


Active Member
Hi all, as someone asked a couple of posts ago, "Are your seeds good?" I am starting to wonder if, in fact, I got some bum seeds.

The last seeds I tried with (I posted the wrong date), I put in the Jiffys on the evening of the 25th (will be fourth night this evening) and I just checked them--still moist but no sign of life.

I've emailed the seed supplier ( but haven't heard back yet. Basically I wanted to know if they got any other emails/complaints from people that bought the same strain out of the same batch as I did.

I just find it increasingly hard to believe that I can't even get a sprout. As my wife is telling me, it is NOT that complicated! It happens out in nature without someone taking all the care, etc. that I am giving them, no problem.

Something else I could do is photograph each step of what I am doing, but really...there isn't much to see. I've aged the water for a few days, soaked the pods, dropped the seeds in (1 per pod), covered the seed, put them in the jiffy dome and put them somewhere warm and dark, only checking them for a few seconds each day.

Hopefully, will comp me a few free seeds, but really I don't know if I should order from there again, or at least not until I try another place and see if I have better luck. If I have no luck with a second place then I'll assume it is God telling me not to grow... but if they do sprout for me I'll assume that I got a bad batch.

Don't know what else I can do.... BTW, I just ordered my 400W Digital Light Setup.

Thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
".... BTW, I just ordered my 400W Digital Light Setup."

I'm in the market for a new flowering light. If you don't mind me asking, What did you get, where did you get it and how much did it set you back?


Well-Known Member
What you should do is go to a local store and buy cheap fruit/veg seeds and germinate them first to try out your methods. Remember: Cannabis seeds are just like other seeds! A lot of people seem to forget that.


Active Member
Yes, that is good advice. I've done that, but just with "sunflower seeds" and had no problem, but maybe I should get something else and try that too.

Thanks (+REP)



Well-Known Member
Yes, that is good advice. I've done that, but just with "sunflower seeds" and had no problem, but maybe I should get something else and try that too.

Thanks (+REP)


The method I use is very simple and it works: I soak my seeds overnight in a glass of tap water. In the morning I get a paper towel and place the seeds in there and make sure the paper towel is moist. I put them in a bread box behind my bread, and the warmth and darkness makes them germinate. But just like I said, go out and buy cheap seeds and see what works best for you! Good luck and keep us posted.


Active Member
Hey all,

After another day/night of nothing green I decided to investigate further... so out came my scalpel and I decided to scrape away like an archaeologist at a dig site...

While I'm not sure yet, I think my problem may have been that I was dropping the seeds too deep. I noticed that the seeds did all crack, but I think there might have just been too much covering them to allow them to make an attempt at going up. I'm not sure if any of the seeds are still viable, but I tried re-positioning them and just putting a light covering of peat over them, but at least for my next seeds I will be sure not to go so deep.

What is your method(s) of getting the seeds at the appropriate depth? I guess I can soak the pod, smash it all together, then just mark a pencil at the appropriate depth and poke it in there or something.... I thought I read somewhere they should only be like .5 - 1 centimeter under? Is that about right? From looking at my seeds I'll bet they were about an inch down in there, so what is that... like 3 and a half centimeters? Would that be enough to have no sprouts?



Well-Known Member
Hey all,

After another day/night of nothing green I decided to investigate further... so out came my scalpel and I decided to scrape away like an archaeologist at a dig site...

While I'm not sure yet, I think my problem may have been that I was dropping the seeds too deep. I noticed that the seeds did all crack, but I think there might have just been too much covering them to allow them to make an attempt at going up. I'm not sure if any of the seeds are still viable, but I tried re-positioning them and just putting a light covering of peat over them, but at least for my next seeds I will be sure not to go so deep.

What is your method(s) of getting the seeds at the appropriate depth? I guess I can soak the pod, smash it all together, then just mark a pencil at the appropriate depth and poke it in there or something.... I thought I read somewhere they should only be like .5 - 1 centimeter under? Is that about right? From looking at my seeds I'll bet they were about an inch down in there, so what is that... like 3 and a half centimeters? Would that be enough to have no sprouts?


Plant them twice as deep as the width of the every time.


Active Member
Yeah, maybe that was the problem then... I was way deeper than twice the width. Live and Learn... I'll keep ya posted on whether or not this solves my difficulties!

Thanks again everyone,
