Pre-flowering question !!!!!!!


New Member
Hey guys, i need your advice.

Ive currently got a OG Kush plant growing from M/F seeds ( first time for me, my ability to acquire clones has ceased due to a friend moving away ) ive got her on a 18/6 light cycle under 80W of fluorescents. ive topped her once and now there are 6 meristems.

Here's my question...... she started showing signs of sex 3 days ago, im just worried because its different from any preflowering ive seen before.... there are alot of preflowers. Is this normal???

I only ask because every other time ive experienced preflowers on any of my plants they've been very very sparse, but on this plant there is at least 4 female flowers on each top.


Well-Known Member
I only saw pre flowers for the first time on my current grow. I used to veg for only 2-4 weeks. This time I stepped up to 12 and 14 weeks for 2 plants. By that point they had pre flowers at pretty much every node. I'm considering re-vegging one of them as its a real winning pheno, and will have no qualms about using a clone from that as a mother - so I think you'll be ok. The abundance of pre-flowers suggests to me that you may have a good yielder on your hands (although that is just a feeling, not based in any theory), rather than anything negative.


New Member
Thanks Bigby, ill take all the advice i can get..... ive never run into this problem before because ive always had a reliable source for clones until about a week ago. Now its time to be self-sufficient haha.


Well-Known Member
Pre-flowers also means the plant is mature and if you did put it into flower, pistils would show right away usually within 3-5 days.


New Member
Pistils are already showing under 18/6. no pics until i get my camera..... and i feel comfortable with the growth under the 80W i have to work with right now. just gonna be a mother plant not going to flower her


New Member
and they seem to be doing really well with the lighting i got. im going to upgrade my whole mother room/closet once i get caught up on my bills


New Member
Thats funny cause im in the same boat. ..i have a og kush plant at 7 1/2 weeks...and its pre-flowering like crazy ....i toped it twice so its growing. 6 tops. And many tops around the base. I. Toped too...hoping at least 5-8ounces.