PPP's From Scratch

tripple p

Hello i am "PPP" (for short) "tripplep" (on here or other sites) and "PPP Pure Pothead Person" in full lol

I am going to start this journal by explaining what im going to do and how long it may or may not take!

I have recently moved into a lovely country home which is a palace compared to the pokey little flat i used
to live in which is a masive bonus as i now have a nice big attic space that i just have to use its too good not too lol

this is the space i have to work with

i have ordered 3 square metres of floorboards to get me started which should be here tomorrow so hopefully i will have another
photo of the attic with some new floorboards down uploaded by tomorrow night. as of what strain to use i have so many gifted beans
and a couple of femmed strains i bought i dont even know what im going to grow and have some nice people offering to gift me some more
amazing beans so its anybodies guess what i will be growing out when the space is ready for a grow. all i do know is i will be growing
in soil i considered dwc but i think i will stick with what i know works for the next couple of grows then maybe introduce a dwc for a
single plant and see how i get on. My first journal was pretty much all over the place so im gonna try and make this a little more
professional if that's the right word to use what i mean is i will have a lot more regular pics and the temperatures and feeding schedules
written up in this journal better than i did on my first journal attempt.

and i would also like to mention that i was busted last year and have court next week and am hoping for community service so i can get back
into growing straight away but if i do get jailed i might disappear for a while but dont worry i will be back with a vengeance so there will
be some great bud porn in the future!

also i will be buying all new equipment and mterials for this grow so it will be a working progress dont expect a jungle too soon but here is
a photo of the crop the police busted me with, i can make jungles so be patient and you will get to see another

RIP Big Buddha Cheese

please a moment of silence for them

Why am i starting this journal when the space isnt ready and i have yet to be sentenced for the last crop i hear you say?

well im just so damn eager to get back at it and fuck the law i aint letting THE MAN put me off growing i love it sooo much and "if you do the crime expect the time!"
i just disagree whole heartedly that its a crime i was hurting no-one so dont see why i should be punished for it but "shit happens" as they say and
i just got to suck it up forget about it and start over as soon as possible BY MYSELF like all the previous grows instead of bringing in a partner to gain more space

anyway thats it for now untill tomorrow hopefully when i can update with a new photo of the attic with floorboards

Peace Love and Respect to all


tripple p

well the floorboards arrived and was exactly the amount i needed to cover that space
only i ran into a problem lol the metal pipes that hold wiring were in the way of me
laying a perfect floor lol as you can see in the following picture

so as you might notice i have decided to lay a few boards ontop of the already laid
ones to raise it up a couple of centimetres so i can then lay floor boards the
opposite way from the front to the back to cover the gaps where the pipes are and in
turn the second floor running the opposite way will give better support and make it
more sturdy for my clumsy ass to move about on lol

here is a couple of other pics i took of what i have laid so far, if all goes well
in court and im back home next week i will be ordering the rest of the wood needed for
the floor the i will be starting to work out how im going to box off the area to stop
the fans blowing insulation all over the crop

all in all dont think i have done bad for a first attempt at laying floorboards :)