ppm/watering question for 8 day old seedlings.


Well-Known Member
hey guys, Today i officially finished transplanting my 80 Satori seedlings to my ebb&flow tables. I germ'd 100 seeds, 98 sprouted and of those 98 i chose the strongest looking 80 to move to my table. (the rest are still in my tray under 4 t12 flouro's till i figure out what to do with them.

I ran into a few problem these past few days with my grow op and i had to leave my seedlings in the tray using rapid rooter plugs for a few days longer than expected so they grew long roots. some had roots about a foot long! i carefully moved them into my buckets making sure not to damage the roots. and i moved my 1000 watt bulbs far enough so that i didnt feel the heat on my hand.

I corrected the PH of my reservoirs to 6.0. my ppm was at 250 with tap water. and i added a pinch of flora nova grow. the ppm after was 300 wich is 1/2 strength from what the bottle says. when i filled up my tables the ppm read 700ppm! the hydroton might have raised it but can someone tell me why it raised 400ppm out of nowhere?

should i empty out my res and just use ph corrected tap water for another week or two?


Well-Known Member
actua;;y seedlings i wouldnt hit them at all with any nutes......i would wait my opinion till they get atleast 2 to 3 sets on them and go from there.......i hope i helped.....oh 300 is way too strond for babies....


Well-Known Member
Could it be your rooter cubes were watered with tap water and were high in Ph?
When you watered the lot it raised the Ph in the res? after runoff you were able to see the actual Ph.

Or your meter need calibration. I don't know.

I use rooter cubes. I have found seedlings have enough nutrients to last a couple weeks without any help but water. During transplants in the past I have had some roots outside the cube. They are so small it wouldn't matter if they don't take. Just be sure you hit the cube enough to keep it damp so they continue to grow.

Then to be sure what my ppm is I start with clean water. distilled or R/O then add 1/4 strength nutes (200ppm) and water for the first week keeping the Ph low, you want 5.5 to 5.7 so they can absorb the proper nutrients.

If they look good after that I veg with half whats recomended usually around 500ppm with additives.

Dam, rambling again,

Works for me.