PPM Meter

I have a blue lab ppm meter and its able to read 500PPM, 700PPM, or EC...What is the difference between the three and which one should I use for hydroponics ?


Well-Known Member
Hey, just to say the bluelab truncheon measures in EC, and the ppms of 500 and 700 are just there for a rough conversion guide.
if its their little blue box then it will be measuring in ppm. (Like this one... http://www.hydroculture.co.uk/bluelab-combo-meter?gpd=1)

it really depends, personally i use ec, as thats what my meter works in. Also ppm i think is better for individual elements. For example 200ppm of N.

There are a few thread with this discussed, but its really up to you...

https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-marijuana-cultivation/654333-what-do-you-use-why.html (link)

Take it easy.