PPM meter


Active Member
Hi all,

I am trying to achieve a PPM of 1100, and if I use the 'prescribed' amount of nutes from gen hydro I end up with about 600 PPM. It just seems like too much nutes to go DOUBLE the amount, I was a little worried my PPM meter is off, but I think she is reading correct. My question is, do you all put in WAY more nutes than the recipe on the bottle to achieve your high PPM?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor

How do your plants look? The leaves?

600 sounds very low for a vigorous, healthy plant... how old is your plant (from germination)?



Active Member
They look amazing, they are clones and after rooting had 40 days in veggie, 45 days in bloom. when i check PPM meter in pure water it reads zero, so I reckon it is reading correctly.