Powdery Mildew


Active Member
I have about 3 weeks left of flowering and a couple plants have a little bit of powdery mildew. I have been spraying every 5 days and this is controlling it but not that great. Can I spray every other day or even every day? Will it effect the buds?

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
what are you spraying? Someone just gave me a clone and i looked at the stems and it has what i believe is powdery mildew im not sure though not real experience with mold but i know he said he was fighting a mold problem before he gave it to me i thought it was cool but i looked at the stems and the stems look like they are COVERED in trichs but its not trichs its somthing else and its white I assume its mold. But what are you using to get rid of it


Usually when you have the dredded mildew it means to trash everything and start over with a sterilized room, I'm not too sure on weither or not u can still have a safe harvest but if it was me i would start over. if you can quarantine the infected plants you may be ok. You may be able to controll it for a little bit but if it's there it's usually too late. what are you spraying with? is it indoor or out? whats the strain? How is the weather in iraq?


Well-Known Member
I was able to battle it with hydrogen peroxide, however the plant never fully recovered. It was the worst looking one in the group and I eventually moved it outside to make room for a better producer. I honestly don't think you want to spend the next 3-4 months raising a problem child. As for the OP, get some Schultz Fungicide 3. You can spray buds up until day before harvest (according to label for fruit we eat), but I wouldn't spray within 5 days of chopping myself.


Well-Known Member
im spraying with serenade. The mildew is not horrible so i'm not even considering cutting it down.
Turn up the heat if you can.

I have had PM in the past on some Indicas. I was able to control it by turning up the heat which lowered the humidity. I also sprayed with Physan20, half-life 2 days.

All leaves affected dried up pretty fast, and it did not continue to be a problem.

Now I watch my humidity on all indicas, as they are more susceptible than the sativas I have grown.

Just my $ 0.02
I use GreenCure and it lasts for a week, then i have to spray again. I'm working on my ventilation, but it will take some time. GreeCure works good and its for organic production, upto harvest.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
hmm i wish i had a picture of teh stems on my guy i would show it to you see if its the same or not i've never dealt with mold before or mildew so i dont know but it strikes me as weird lookin im givin the clone to someone who wants it as i got 35 more off the mother when i trimmed her. Ill tell my friend to try some of those sprays and if it dies ill just give him another one.