Powdery mildew, mites, or paranoia?


Checked out my lady today and noticed some very small white dots on the first set of fan leaves. I’ve looked for mites, but have yet to see any. Surely it’s much too early for resin production as I’m only on day 11. Could this perhaps be PM?

This is indoors in a 3x2 tent, humidity has been probably 60-65ish, temps have been running a little warm in the mid 80s. I was watering once every 2-3 days, but just moved her into a 3 gal since she was out growing the solo cup. Medium in solo cup was black gold seedling mix, just moved her into a mix of happy frog and ocean forest. The only nutrients I’ve given so far is a light dose of fish shit.

Also worth mentioning, it’s my first run!


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Well-Known Member

It doesn't present like the start of powdery mildew - normally we'd see white circles like a dried water drop or like shiny fingerprints.

To be sure get a magnifying scope and take a look up close - powdery mildew looks like white sticks put together at sharp angles.



Well-Known Member
Checked out my lady today and noticed some very small white dots on the first set of fan leaves. I’ve looked for mites, but have yet to see any. Surely it’s much too early for resin production as I’m only on day 11. Could this perhaps be PM?

This is indoors in a 3x2 tent, humidity has been probably 60-65ish, temps have been running a little warm in the mid 80s. I was watering once every 2-3 days, but just moved her into a 3 gal since she was out growing the solo cup. Medium in solo cup was black gold seedling mix, just moved her into a mix of happy frog and ocean forest. The only nutrients I’ve given so far is a light dose of fish shit.

Also worth mentioning, it’s my first run!
I'd guess PM onset....if it is I found a real cure, a safe cure. I've tried all the home remedy tricks, a waste of time. And most traetments on market are preventative. I finally found "Banish" fungiide, a geranium oil extract)that actually kills pm. I sprayed young plants twice and problem gone...,,,,safe even when flowering. I couldn't believe it.........never had PM till this year........I think I may have used some "contaminated" compost.....stupid, a real taboo.