potz pots pots


Well-Known Member
hey guys. can just plant my sprouted seed in the biggest pot i have.. then like.. never change pots...
or do i have to put it in a small cup then go up and up in size?

Brick Top

New Member
hey guys. can just plant my sprouted seed in the biggest pot i have.. then like.. never change pots...
or do i have to put it in a small cup then go up and up in size?

Yes. That is how I always do it.

How large is your largest size?


Well-Known Member
kk thanks.. umm i also wanted to know.. im getting a 600w hps this week... i wanted to know how far away from seedlings i should put it? and if i need a fan in there to cool? how hot does it get?
anyways... my friend said just growing 1 single plant under a 600w hps is a waste is it?
how many many plants can i grow fast under a 600w hps... in a small wardrobe?

any tips on using 600w hps will be fantastic..

old pothead

Well-Known Member
When i was doing soil grows i always planted right into the pot it would grow in.You remove any chance of something going wrong when you transplant 2 or 3 times like most people.
With a small grow space,with that bulb,you can fill it with plants and be fine.You will need to be able to bring in fresh air for cooling to keep the temps down.I would not say using that light will be a waste for one plant.When it gets bigger you will reap the benefits from it when it buds.
When you set your light up over your plants,start them 10-12 inches above them.put your hand at the top of your plants and see if the heat on your hand is bearable.If you cannot keep your hand there without discomfort,move the lights up some more.OPH


New Member
I'll do you one better :lol:

I put my seeds straight into my pot from the get go. I don't throw out males so and any seeds that have not come up after 6 days gets replaced by another. No muss, no fuss, no stress. If you mimic nature closely, there will be less problems.

Good Luck :peace:

out. :blsmoke: