Pots and rain


Over watering plants is obviously bad, but I have some plants in pots in an outdoor guerilla grow, and its been raining craploads recently. Should I worry about the plants (they are young seedlings) or move them inside?


New Member
I had a very similar problem last summer.. I had a bunch of seedlings outside and I was watching the weather channel and it was supposed to rain alot the next 4 days so I went to my outdoor spot and put a black garbage bag above the plants like an umbrella. I used tree branches to hold the bag above the plants about 2 ft.They probably would have drown and died if I did nothing..


Sector 5 Moderator
Seedlings are very tender so they need a lot more care than mature plants. Plants over a foot tall, I wouldn't worry about it but bring the seedlings in when there is a lot of rain or they will drown.