Potency of my flowers vs The high killed by other factors


Well-Known Member
I grew out two strains; Tahoe OG and Key Lime Cookies (Pheno of GSC, and damn it's tasty, like green fruit loops!) Both are great in taste and effects. I smoke about 3/4 of a bowl in my bong and it get's me very high. I have a high tolerance, I usually smoke whole joints or blunts to myself to get a good high, and the average amount I roll is 1 gram. I consider myself a connoisseur, I know what's good and what's schwagg (A+, A, B grade, and so on) and many people agree with me, I've judged in a cup before, and can give fully un-biased thoughts on each strain. I can honestly say, I grew some club quality meds this time.

So on to my topic. My close friend, gave me a donation for a bit (he had been anxiously awaiting to try out my finished, cured product). I described it 100% truthfully, I will never make anything up (strain names, effects, hyping up sub par products, etc.) It's called integrity. He's knows that I take great care and a lot of time with my ladies and possess much knowledge about many things cannabis related. He told me later that evening when I saw him that he smoked 3 bowls out of a pipe (to himself) over the period of about 5 hours. I asked if he had been drinking a lot on game day (but he said that doesn't effect him). when I'm drinking and I smoke, the high doesn't last long for me, because the alcohol just takes over and sometimes I get headaches.

I told him yesterday that, if this was anyone else trying to question this, it would be suspect and I'd tell them fuck you, but only for him (he's been a good friend for many years) I would conduct my own "tests" with a clear head tomorrow, and he also said he would try a little as well, and he has not called me all day thus far. He is a close friend of mine and I don't feel he is out to rip me off. He didn't ask for money back or additional buds for free.

I had some thoughts later on about this. Now, he is a football fan (a 49ers fan), and was already disappointed they lost and in a bit of a down mood when I saw him. He did mention he was getting all pumped during the game, yelling, shouting, the typical football viewing environment. Knowing him personally and how he is about football, his team, and his personality. I imagine, since they lost, there must have been some intense moments, shit was down to the wire, he was totally in the game and on an emotional rollercoaster : excited, anxious, extreme disappointment, the heart was beating hard, the blood pumping, and...the Adrenaline rushing...

...It hit me...Adrenaline! They use adrenaline on overdosing patients, and Adrenaline will Kill your high.

Sounds reasonable to me, my buds get me ripped. This could have be a an effect of his environment and the activities he was engaged in, resulting in what he thought to be sub par dank.

Thought? Similar Stories?


Well-Known Member
I and I my friend, weed for me has different effects in different social occassions. I even enjoy a good indica if I am out, and also sometimes enjoy a good sativa when I am in the house, or vice versa. And both can effect me differently depending on the social environment....I guess we are like phenotypes ourselves where a genotype + environment = phenotype, or a smoke + environment = differing highs. Think about getting drunk, sometimes we get happy drunk, sometimes we get angry drunk...we're still drunk but feel different and probably (most definitely) act differently. Just my 2 bobs worth.
Slainte, DST


Well-Known Member
I only get off of the "schwag" the goodies are for me... Lol and I got mofos begging for that mediocre! They be like, "wuts it called" n I be like, "weed nigga"


Well-Known Member
That as well. different strains, terpenes, etc. can have different effects between individuals.
I agree with your statement but I got into a debate with someone that swore he could tell what kind of high people would get just by looking at the cannabinoid/terpene profile. He said that the effects would be the same for every individual. I believe people's body chemistry contributes to how cannabis will effect each individual. I know I don't always agree with some of my friends on what type of high I feel from a particular strain. Maybe it's just me?