Pot Size For Flood n Drain ??

im gonna be starting my new grow here soon, already ordered my rapid rooter now ill be going with rockwool to transplant into, but my question is what type/size of pot to use, guess ill be filling the pot with hydroton, i was looking at http://www.bghydro.com/BGH/itemdesc.asp?ic=COGCS06&eq=&Tp= which is a 6x6x6 pretty much with a few holes at the botton for the flood and drain, i was also looking at netpots but i would assume those wouldnt be good for flood and drain setup with the roots wrapping around the holes on the sides ? or i could just go with a straight up 6x6x6 rockwool and use that only on the flood and drain table, all idea's would be welcomed


Well-Known Member
I would go with the 6x6x6 Rockwool blocks right on the table. Drop your Rapid Rooter right into the hole as soon as your roots look good. Water once a day by hand for the first week and then just let them go on timer after that.
ya i was thinking the same, like you did on your flood and drain system, but i was trying to think of a more cost effective system cause im gonna be running a 2nd setup in a few weeks after i start the first one, dont wanna have to replace 12+ rockwools 6x6x6's cost starts to add up quickly, but then again ill be making some good money i guess i can deal with it, cause i seen your setup and ive been hooked since so might as well duplicate it