Pot size and re-potting questions


Hey all,

I have looked through the forum regarding a good pot size for plants but most of the advice is confusing for me as I am a UK grower and the US Gallon is a different measurement to the UK Gallon and plant pots are measured in inches or litres.

I basically have a growing space of 30 inches wide and the pots I intend to have my plants in are 10 inches in diameter (and thus 3 pots side by side). I don't know what volume this is in litres, perhaps 5-7 litres. I am concerned that the pots won't be big enough but don't have much choice as I want to have 3 plants in flower within that space.

Can anyone confirm whether this is going to cause me any huge issues and if so what I could do to get around it? I was thinking about having holes in the bottom of my box and a resevoir like tank underneath for the roots to reach into. I have no idea about this or whether it would work.

Also, I have been reading that many people re-pot the plants as they get bigger. Is there any real reason for this? Why do people not germinate their seed and plant it straight into the pot that the plant will finally be in for flower?

Any and all advise greatly received by this growing newbie!


Well-Known Member
well 1 gallon is roughly 3 liters , maybe 3 1/2 liters

i like to have 1 gallon per foot ,

while others say 1 gallon per month as the plant grows ,

when you flower your plant keep in mind that it will double in size ,

and some sativas can triple in size ,

so keep that in mind while your vegin your plant ,

i dont know how much height you have but now you know at least a round about height to grow your baby before you flower her ,

also the reason why some of us pot up for is to maximize root growth and structure ,

let your seedling start in a peat pellet , or a small cup and develop some strong roots ,

then when you transplant into a bigger pot your will see your plants growth improve

then when you transplant into a final pot for flowering your roots have the necessary room they need for the extra growth ...


Active Member
This thread is a must see. Don't listen to anybody saying you need a long veg time and a large pot size. You don't need either.


Well-Known Member
This thread is a must see. Don't listen to anybody saying you need a long veg time and a large pot size. You don't need either.
your right you dont need a large pot size

and you dont need a long veg time ,

but if your gonna grow 4ft + plant

then id say you will need more then just a 1 gallon pot size ,

if you veg for a short time then obviously you dont need as big of a pot size ,

but pot size is an issue depending on how big your gonna grow your plant .....

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Goten made a good point about root ball development. Of course, size matters, but it is all relative. For my grow, I am a medical grower for personal use, I found that it is better for me to stay on the small side (while not getting root bound) until the final transplant before flowering. Choosing the right size container is going to create nutrient value. As expensive as some of them are they may as well be a single malt scotch and I don't like to waste good scotch. It is also a matter of planning ahead so that your container footprint matches the rest of your grow room.