Pot is Toxic to Cats


Well-Known Member
I wish I could get high off my catnip like my cats do. Kittens do not get high off catnip. It takes a year or so before they can catch that buzz, and some cats won't ever get high. A tea made from catnip and chamomile can help a human to go to sleep, but you can get better sleepy time from a good Indinca smoked.
Strangely enough, the kitten my wife picked up around Christmas was into the catnip with the older cats from the get-go.


Well-Known Member
Funny they must be like people where the stone/effects can vary, or maybe my cat built up a tolerance to it. She used to get at my outdoor and eat the bottom leaves. Most of the time though through flowering she'd just "guard" them and leave the buds alone. Passed Jan 2018 from a major stroke, she was born in 1996, pretty sure her diet of outdoor leaves helped get her to 22 years ;)

"Guarding" the plants... or just getting some shade ;)
