post your rant


Well-Known Member
i hate/love women. make my life complicated and exciting. i hide things. eventually, they find things, get pissed off. then i find another woman.


Well-Known Member
my absolute biggest rant, is ANY complaint against smoking marijuana when you compare it to alcohol.

Nobody has ever done nearly as much stupid shit high as they have done drunk. I will take that to the bank. When drunk stupid people rape, fight, pass out, die, destroy their body and do otherwise unforgivable things, that are immediately forgiven the next day as, "oh they were just drunk". Ever have a hang over that feels like your body struggling to stay alive. I have. Yet the bare judgement of smoking weed even without misbehaving or doing anything wrong, makes you a pothead and a criminal.

What the fuck does anyone have to say about marijuana, when they consume alcohol. Alcohol does nothing but dumb you down, numb you and impaire your central nervous system. When I drink i forget the last sentence i just said, when i smoke I'm fucking speaking words of wisdom and learning shit i wouldn't have normally learned.


Well-Known Member
im ranting, because about a month ago two of my plants we're stolen..both flowering..expected to yield about a solid lb or more, and i know who it was too. it was my faggot ass neighbor and we threatned to beat the shit out of him and he told his parents about what happend and they called the 5-o and me and my friend got off the hook but dropped everything...those plants are still out there somewhere : (


Junior Creatologist
Heres a god damn rant -
Motherfuckers that bitch and moan about EVERYTHING, thinkin that it makes them look smarter or better than somebody else. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF!! Nobody fuckin thinks your cool - i dont even fuckin see how YOU could ever fuckin think your cool personally, and your never ever gonna get laid because of something that you posted on the god damn internet that you thought was fuckin funny.

Go get yourself some real god damn experience with REAL LIFE, and realize that there are way more important things to be concerned with other than something annoying that this dude you dont like said in the forums two hours ago. MIND YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS. If you aint got nothin productive to contribute to a conversation, dont fuckin say anything at all.

If you DO have something productive to contribute, after all the stupid dumbass bullshit that ive seen your stupid fuckin lamer ass say in the past, i personally dont wanna fuckin hear it any god damn ways. O, whats that? my fuckin house is on fire?! go eat a dick you fuckin piece of shit, nobody gives a rats monkeys ass what the fuck you have to say today. Just fuckin pull your god damn lip over your fuckin face, and swallow. god damn son of a bitch...


Well-Known Member
Cynical cuntrags and their pessimistic beliefs. Life is in the gutter bla bla bla i dont like him im jealous of that. SHUT THE FUCK UP. LIFE IS PRECIOUS GO BE HAPPY. Jesus fuckin christ what is happening to people.

and id rant about 2012 end of world comment but ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fine i will, but just a tad

rarara the world is going to end . rarararararara go join the other freaks who were scared about Y2K RARARAARARRARA THE WORLD IS GOING TO END OMFG.... GO KILL YOURSELF AND IT WILL END.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
D'oh.:-([:-(:-(quote=K1Ng5p4d3;1290136]Heres a god damn rant -
Motherfuckers that bitch and moan about EVERYTHING, thinkin that it makes them look smarter or better than somebody else. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF!! Nobody fuckin thinks your cool - i dont even fuckin see how YOU could ever fuckin think your cool personally, and your never ever gonna get laid because of something that you posted on the god damn internet that you thought was fuckin funny.

Go get yourself some real god damn experience with REAL LIFE, and realize that there are way more important things to be concerned with other than something annoying that this dude you dont like said in the forums two hours ago. MIND YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS. If you aint got nothin productive to contribute to a conversation, dont fuckin say anything at all.

If you DO have something productive to contribute, after all the stupid dumbass bullshit that ive seen your stupid fuckin lamer ass say in the past, i personally dont wanna fuckin hear it any god damn ways. O, whats that? my fuckin house is on fire?! go eat a dick you fuckin piece of shit, nobody gives a rats monkeys ass what the fuck you have to say today. Just fuckin pull your god damn lip over your fuckin face, and swallow. god damn son of a bitch...[/quote]


Well-Known Member
I knew the thread title would attract the dumbasses of the forum, that's why I posted the note at the bottom of my first post. I am the kind of guy who wont dignify you or your post with a comeback, and no one else should either.

here's a short rant. I come home from work and reach in a drawer where I had my bowl and part of my last bud. I reach in and right in front on top, my missing bag of week. where did it come from? I must have torn that drawer apart 10 times when I was sober looking for it. someone is messing with me. my room mate and his gf deny doing it. no one else has been here or knows about it. who's messing with my head?


Well-Known Member
I really don't waste my time on negative shit, but we all have bills,we all have our own problems and some of us have more problems than maybe we know.... Hint Hint Oh and by the way Good job on finding your weed. I think they were messing with you.