Post pics of your december good deeds.


Well-Known Member
Well its the holiday season and its all about giving. Lets pump a little love from rollitup to people who need it. As the title says, post your good deeds.

Im giving a 1000 watt hps setup to a guy whos on a fixed income and grows for him and his wife who has some serious health issues. Nice fucking people, but they have it hard. Im also thinking of other good things i can do, one thing im doing tomorrow or the next day is tossin 10 bucks into one of those annoying bell jinglers buckets. You know the ones outside all the stores you go shop at? God i hate those guys but theyre out there workin those bells, so usually once a year i flop a bill in there.

Ive done some kick ass shit to raise some bucks for some charities and i bet yall have too. So post it here and even if ya wanna share some stories on how you helped the world go round feel free. Its the holiday season after all.

Oh ya, hurry the fuck up. Decembers almost over!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't posted a penis in this thread yet. Also, I murdered several homeless people that I felt were bringing down the property value in my neighborhood. I'm not a religious man, but it feels good to do my part...
You are a saint tyler. Your contributions to society are only outdone by your wit and whole hearted attitude you embrace life with. Merry Christmas


Well-Known Member
So tyler, are you doing something to save the world this holiday season?
Nothing so grand, I'm not a great guy. In December I play music for several nursing homes, and two homeless shelters. My mom is in one of these homes and they take amazing care of her. I looked at many of this corporation's homes, and they all seem to do an outstanding job, especially with Alzheimer's patients. So, I'm just showing my appreciation by playing them carols and light classical pieces during the year and around the holidays. They give me free cookies and coffee, they rock. During my second divorce, I went through some depression. My buddy volunteered at these shelters, and he suggested I get off my ass and help some people because that may help get my mind off my own problems. It did. I worked in their soup kitchens for about a year, and met some of the most colorful characters I've ever known. A few are still there. So I like to keep in touch with those places and hope my music spreads a little holiday cheer. It seems to, that's good enough for me. How about you?


Well-Known Member
Nothing so grand, I'm not a great guy. In December I play music for several nursing homes, and two homeless shelters. My mom is in one of these homes and they take amazing care of her. I looked at many of this corporation's homes, and they all seem to do an outstanding job, especially with Alzheimer's patients. So, I'm just showing my appreciation by playing them carols and light classical pieces during the year and around the holidays. They give me free cookies and coffee, they rock. During my second divorce, I went through some depression. My buddy volunteered at these shelters, and he suggested I get off my ass and help some people because that may help get my mind off my own problems. It did. I worked in their soup kitchens for about a year, and met some of the most colorful characters I've ever known. A few are still there. So I like to keep in touch with those places and hope my music spreads a little holiday cheer. It seems to, that's good enough for me. How about you?
Ive worked with a lot of seniors in the last little while at a retirement home but im not doing it anymore. Old folks have the best one liners. I was working with some folks who have mental illnesses and medical problems in another place but actually got pushed out of my job because i was taking care of the people too well. A few years ago i raised 1600 dollars and convinced my employer to match it. They did and it turned into over 3 grand


Well-Known Member
Quick name every good deed you've ever done in your life.

I was working with some folks who have mental illnesses and medical problems in another place but actually got pushed out of my job because i was taking care of the people too well. A few years ago i raised 1600 dollars and convinced my employer to match it. They did and it turned into over 3 grand
I thought this was what you are going to do, not what you did in Boy Scouts. Your talk of deeds can't wash the shitty things you said out of my eyes. I read it on the internet so it's forever.


Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
Well its the holiday season and its all about giving. Lets pump a little love from rollitup to people who need it. As the title says, post your good deeds.

Im giving a 1000 watt hps setup to a guy whos on a fixed income and grows for him and his wife who has some serious health issues. Nice fucking people, but they have it hard. Im also thinking of other good things i can do, one thing im doing tomorrow or the next day is tossin 10 bucks into one of those annoying bell jinglers buckets. You know the ones outside all the stores you go shop at? God i hate those guys but theyre out there workin those bells, so usually once a year i flop a bill in there.

Ive done some kick ass shit to raise some bucks for some charities and i bet yall have too. So post it here and even if ya wanna share some stories on how you helped the world go round feel free. Its the holiday season after all.

Oh ya, hurry the fuck up. Decembers almost over!!


Well-Known Member
Well its the holiday season and its all about giving. Lets pump a little love from rollitup to people who need it. As the title says, post your good deeds.

Im giving a 1000 watt hps setup to a guy whos on a fixed income and grows for him and his wife who has some serious health issues. Nice fucking people, but they have it hard. Im also thinking of other good things i can do, one thing im doing tomorrow or the next day is tossin 10 bucks into one of those annoying bell jinglers buckets. You know the ones outside all the stores you go shop at? God i hate those guys but theyre out there workin those bells, so usually once a year i flop a bill in there.

Ive done some kick ass shit to raise some bucks for some charities and i bet yall have too. So post it here and even if ya wanna share some stories on how you helped the world go round feel free. Its the holiday season after all.

Oh ya, hurry the fuck up. Decembers almost over!!