Possible Plant Problems?


Active Member
My baby is about 3 weeks old now, and the newer leaves tend to droop a lot, however the older leaves are standing up perfectly fine, curious if anyone knows why this is. I have attached pictures for anyone who is willing to help. thanks.


Active Member
I had just watered when taking the pics. This is my water/feed schedule; Feed (wait 2 days) Water (wait 3 days) Water (wait 2 days) repeat. I water it just enough so the soil becomes damp to the touch.


That schedule will work, personally they just look over watered to me. I wouldn't water till the soils damp, I would water them by ML/cups so you can keep better track of intakes, they shouldn't really need much water. My current grow is 4ft tall plants in 5 gals and I only give them 2 cups of water (460ml~) every other day and they stay perked up contently.

Let them dry up for 2-3 days and see if the leaves stretch ... if they do too much water


Active Member
make sure to drench ALL of the soil. Looks like you might have dry pockets all over.
That was the left over soil from the smaller pot it was in. These pics were taken right after I transplanted, and I was told to always make sure to water after transplanting to promote root growth, so I did.


Well-Known Member
Looks OK for 3 weeks old to me. Good color, broad leaves. Don't conjure up problems when you don't have any would be my suggestion. Yer doing good.