Possible Light Shock, And Or Underwatering?

Hey, just thought I'd see what you guys thought of this. The plants just were switched from CFL to MH, but stayed on the same exact light cycle. We're having some problems venting the area, but we've kept a fan blowing in the space. It's in a closet, and we leave the door open a bit with our a/c giving the space some fresh air. I woke up this morning to check on them, and they looked more droopy than they usually do.

They are:
1 NY Sour Diesel

Both are planted in grodan rockwool, and being watered once a day at least on the CFL setup. It looks like we may have to water at the beginning, and the end of the light cycle for the MH. They are currently Vegging, and are about 10 weeks old. Like I mentioned previously, they were just switched from a CFL setup to a 600w MH. That is the only light they are being given. Any suggestions?

Pics Below: The smaller, more dense is GDP.

2010-05-13 14.34.45.jpg2010-05-13 14.34.53.jpg


New Member
It is always good to acclimate your plants to the new light source so make sure you keep the MH 3 feet up , than 2, than 18" in a 3 day process. Too much light all at once will shock them. They look pretty good though


what do you think the problem is? Maybe a bit droopy - under watered - don't really see anything else.
I was thinking they were a tad bit droopy myself. The first thing I thought was possible light shock, just because of the new light. Also, because we're not used to the ambient heat of this light, we didn't really think that there would be that much evaporative loss. Either that, or maybe the plants are just becoming very hungry with the new source of light. Thanks for the prompt reply guys.