Possible issue


Well-Known Member
I'm having a little problem with one of my plants and don't quite know how to explain it other than putting up a picture and maybe someone will have an idea whats up.
This is a G99 clone and its got a slight discoloration around the outside edges of the leaves. I don't know if this is something to be alarmed about or not, the clone is in a diy aerospring tote running a continuous spray of sensi grow a/b and a little b52 (650 PPM total and that counts the 90 or so for trash in the tap water which isn't really much)
. Maybe I'm worried for no reason but I'd rather post this and have someone recognize it early as to wait and see what happens and then go from there.Also in that one picture you can see the stalk is purple, is that normal?
Thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
i had this problem early on wit my dwc. try uppin the nutes slightly n it should get better it looks like a coupl of defficiencys goin on


Active Member
what are res temps and ph levels to me it just seems like you fed them to much a little to early wat i would do i just flush them and hold off on the nutes and just stick with hygrozyme,and a lil B-52. But usally when your stems to your plants start to turnin red its fusarium so try keeping your temps around 65-68f that shit usally comes up when your res temps go above 72f
I'm having a little problem with one of my plants and don't quite know how to explain it other than putting up a picture and maybe someone will have an idea whats up.
This is a G99 clone and its got a slight discoloration around the outside edges of the leaves. I don't know if this is something to be alarmed about or not, the clone is in a diy aerospring tote running a continuous spray of sensi grow a/b and a little b52 (650 PPM total and that counts the 90 or so for trash in the tap water which isn't really much)
. Maybe I'm worried for no reason but I'd rather post this and have someone recognize it early as to wait and see what happens and then go from there.Also in that one picture you can see the stalk is purple, is that normal?
Thanks in advance


Active Member
snoops right try to keep temps low as low as possible, also ph level? between 5.0 and 7.0 no more no less. i good flushing and tlc and you should be ok, post pics let us know......


Well-Known Member
Rez and room temps average like 70 on the rez and the room 73 or so. I keep the ph within range (5.5 to 6 max , its actually been rising overnight again but still it stays within range. I think you're right about feeding them a little too much( I always get carried away), I will post pics of the burn in a few, I've backed off nutes to somewhere around 450 ppm . Just added some voodoo juice and b52, also been foliar sspraying with a real weak b52 solution. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
Ok , its been a few and I snapped some photos, man I'm a shitty photographer but here is one of my plants with burn showing.



Well-Known Member
What nutes are you using? It origionally look like a nitrogen def. but now maybe magesium def. instead.. Try adding 1 Tbsp on Epsom salt per gallon. or Cal/mag if you want to use professional products. Also you can very easily find guides to plant problems through google.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the reply, I'm using sensi grow a/b atm. Added voodoo juice and a little bud candy just to feed the stuff in the voodoo juice, also b52. Take note the plant in this picture is a different plant than the one in the first picture, sorry , I should post that one instead but it hasn't shown any signs of burning. Its actually looking pretty good(see photo). Its one of the two purple urkle I have going. Buddahs sister and super lemon haze got a touch burn too but I think it will be ok since I've backed off the nutes.Errrr, fuck I dunno what plant was in the original picture :/ Looks like the super lemon haze.Then again jesus I'm high, in my original post it says g99



Well-Known Member
Looking better, glad to see you got rid of the purple coloring in the stems. Are some of the older leaves getting brown edges? Its hard to tell in the picture. Also is the yellowing more dominant in the older or newer leaves?


Well-Known Member
hey simply, the plant is looking better all around, not much burn on it but the super lemon haze and the g99 took a hard hit, they burned pretty badly but should be fine since I'm just about to go in and change both rez on those, I was hesitant to flush and change since I just added voodoo juice to each rez(that shits expensive, gonna find a good alternative at hopefully half the price)but now I'm thinking fuck the voodoo juice I gotta save my super lemon haze and g99, plus the voodoo juice has had a chance to set in a bit and wonlt be a total waste.


Active Member
hey simply, the plant is looking better all around, not much burn on it but the super lemon haze and the g99 took a hard hit, they burned pretty badly but should be fine since I'm just about to go in and change both rez on those, I was hesitant to flush and change since I just added voodoo juice to each rez(that shits expensive, gonna find a good alternative at hopefully half the price)but now I'm thinking fuck the voodoo juice I gotta save my super lemon haze and g99, plus the voodoo juice has had a chance to set in a bit and wonlt be a total waste.
yea just fk the voodoo juice not worth the outcome price wise either way the benificial bacteria in it doesnt survive that long in chemical ferts if you gonna use that use organic nutes. try getting a flushing solution like clearex or final flush and flush it for 30 to 60 mins and den after you change the res try putting in sum flora nectar and b 52 only


Well-Known Member
I fucked up and added some sensizym and ended up with some root rot shit that stunk as fuck, I h2o2'd all that shit, it was either that or lose my entire medical grow, still not out of the woods, I'm ripping AN ass via email atm , they've responded but only with questions, I've done nothing wrong other than try to run higher ppm nutes a little early, this doesn't cause root rot or any root zone problem does it? I'm blaming the sensizym since it didn't appear till then