Possible help for migraine sufferers


Well-Known Member
a lot of my family has migraines. really bad migraines. hospitalization and everything. i have almost gotten rid of mine entirely with diet and exercise except for rare flare ups during allergy season. i had read about treatment and prevention of migraines with hallucinatory substances online in a few places but mostly clusterbusters. most migraine meds are derivatives of some hallucinogen, which was news to me. i had a bit of mushrooms(p. cubensis) on hand so i planned on low dosing the next time i got a bad one. i was believing my migraines to be some form of seasonal allergy causing the reaction so my plan was to take a benadryl and .2 gram of mushrooms. benadryl knocks me out pretty good so i figured i could sleep it off in combination.

during the next migraine i stuck to the plan and took a benadryl along with .2 of mushrooms in a capsule. all i noticed was a mild pleasant sensation like getting wrapped in a warm blanket and being super comforted. the migraine eased up and when i woke up it was completely gone. i tried it again a couple weeks later and it had the same effect.

i told a member of the family who gets them frequently, almost daily and he was more than happy to try it out(he loves mushrooms lol) it has been almost 2 months and he says he has only had one migraine the entire time and that was the day he had a couple shots of tequila with friends at a bar so that made perfect sense lol. he was taking more than what i had recommended by far but like i said, he likes them. he finished off what i gave him and hasnt had a single migraine since! if you knew the history here you would be shocked and amazed. one of the first times ever that i can recall calling him and asking hows it going and him saying excellent.

if you or a family member has migraines, try them out. start small and work your way up if needed. theres a ton of info over at cluster busters website.


Well-Known Member
Hey dude check out magic mushrooms on drugs Inc documentary. I know it sounds dumb but there is solid evidence that it is the only known CURE!. Yes cure. But it's only effective for 3 months. Cluster headaches or migrains are pretty heavy shit.give it a go .and if your family are straighty one eighty get them to watch the doco you have nothing to loose except debilitating pain